you aware that once you have finished using your cereal bags that you can reuse them? These are great sturdy storage bags for items such as meat, food, etc. There have been many times I have thrown out stale cereal along with the box but not any more. It is a great item to use! How do you reuse your cereal or bread bags? Share in the comments below.
you aware that once you have finished using your cereal bags that you can reuse them? These are great sturdy storage bags for items such as meat, food, etc. There have been many times I have thrown out stale cereal along with the box but not any more. It is a great item to use! How do you reuse your cereal or bread bags? Share in the comments below.
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How I used empty cereal bags and boxes is when my mom takes the grandkids over to her house I put little snacks in them. I used the boxes as little lunch boxes. My son is 2 and my daughter is 3 so I let them act like they are going to school. They really enjoy it so much. I cut the boxes as little carriers. To put toys into them.
Excellent! This is another great way to use them. 🙂