Welcome to the Thanksgiving Edition of Surprise Thursday! I hope you have been having a great week and now we are here to this wonderful day of Thanksgiving! I have so much to be thankful for and I am glad that you were still considerate enough to stop on by my blog to enter my giveaway! How thoughtful of you, lol! Enter now to win a $25 Macy’s Gift Card! Be sure to come back on Black Friday to see the winner and/or claim your prize if you are the winner. All winners have 24 hours to contact me to email me at simplesavingsforatlmoms@yahoo.com to claim their prize after announced on the rafflecopter form. There are No exceptions to this rule! You will not be emailed.
Complete the Rafflecopter entries below. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone and Good Luck!
I am thankful for my 2 kids.
Commented on your post – Kohl's Big One Solid Bath Towels
Shared on facebook – https://www.facebook.com/kim.reid.330/posts/10204444077495364?pnref=story
I am thankful for a wonderful family!
I'm thankful for family, health, and home.
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I am thankful for my family, jobs, a nice home and good health. We are truly blessed.
Im thankful for my family, our health and my husbands job. Its going to be a great holiday season for us this year and its about time!
I'm thankful for my health and for my family.
This is my win, finally. I know it. I feel it in my bones.