Welcome to Day #2 of our online Coupon Class!
How was yesterday? It was very interesting seeing the reasons for wanting to coupon. I appreciate all of you who either viewed or left comments. I love seeing your comments though because that way I can see what you are thinking {smiles}. Let’s move on into Day #2.
What is your biggest fear about couponing?
We all have fears sometimes about something. I remember that when I started out with couponing that my biggest fear was something going wrong at the cash register. I never wanted to hear that bing sound like there is something wrong. I soon got over that and if I hear it now it doesn’t even worry me. I just see what the cashier says first and if there is a problem with the coupon, I just take it back and walk over to customer service with the product and see the store manager. There is no sense in causing a big deal at the register with a line of people behind me. However, if there is something that the cashier does not understand, I will tell them because sometimes they are so new to scanning coupons at the register that they may have misunderstood. I definitely love my cashiers and sometimes I will even leave my business card with them so embarrassing anyone is definitely out of the question.
If you have a big fear about taking coupons to the register for the first time, consider my suggestion below. If you need a cheerleader, I am here for you. If you are local here in Atlanta, I can come with you for the first time. It will be so much fun! If you are not here in Atlanta and are already in my support group, send me a message or email me {simplesavingsforatlmoms@yahoo.com}. You can do it!
My suggestions for first time couponers:
Get 1-2 coupons that you really want to use, read the coupon instructions and go to the store for those two items only! See what the cashier does after she scans your products and coupons. Remember, if there are any issues, do not argue with the cashier. Just simply take your coupons and products to the customer service area for more information.
Tell me your biggest fear about couponing below in the comments. If you don’t have any, leave a tip for a first time couponer.
View yesterdays topic!
My biggest fear is not saving any money. Recently I compared adds to the coupons I have and sometimes the adds aren't specific. I went to the store anticipating an awesome deal and it turns out my coupons didn't match the exact item on sale. It matched the brand name. Going through the check out line doesn't bother me because the cashier is either not educated on couponing or it is something they have no control over. Does it cost anything for you to go shopping with me? I live like 45 min north of ATL.
Hi Erin, we can definitely see how far you are from me. Be sure to send me a message to my personal page. 🙂 You definitely have to be careful of the wording on the coupon and the sales items. Feel free to ask any questions in the group. 🙂 Enjoy your day Erin.
My biggest fear is getting a horrible and mean cashier who gives me a hard time. I know it will happen and has already happen a few times, I just hope I can handle it nicely.
I understand Dawn. Just keep your cool at all times. 🙂
My biggest fear is the cash register. I am afraid I will mix up their policies with another stores or something. I messed up at target once but luckily the cashier was friendly and explained to me what I was doing wrong – That wasn't so bad. But the biggest fear is running into a cashier that hates scanning coupons or thinks we shouldn't use them. I've went to a local grocery shop before because they were the only ones that had the brand for these awesome meat coupons I had. I was lectured about how it costed their business to take coupons and they were changing their policies to limit us "Etreme couponers" lol (I only had 4 coupons)I listened and shook my head to agree and left as fast as I could. I agree with you if there is a problem go to customer service and bypass them getting angry with you or you them. Needless to say I haven't been back in that store. I am a very paranoid, I guess is the word, of what is going to happen at the register. This goes for ringing things up separate as well – If I don't know the store it makes me nervous and I have messed up because of that as well.
Thanks Jenny for sharing. Sometimes it can be an awful and nerve wrenching experience when something goes wrong at the register. Definitely knowing the coupon policy for the store is an asset. It is good to read them before even going to the store even when you know them because sometimes they can change. A quick tip is even if you want to make sure that nothing has changed, when you get in the store, go stop at customer service and see the manager to make sure. Another tip is the self check out. I know a lady who will go to self check out and that way it is you and the computer. If there is an issue, the attendant will come over and help you. 🙂