May Day! May Day! May Day! Coupon Binder Edition!
to the May Day Coupon Binder Extravaganza Event. I do hope that you are
excited and ready for another wonderful event!!!! You never know if you
may be the winner. Have you started to save with using coupons?
What is your #1 Savings tip that you can share with others? This giveaway
will also include a #SSFAMCoupons Twitter Party#1 on 5|30|13 @ 6:00 p.m. and 6|14|13 @ 6:00 p.m. Twitter Party #2. You will have the chance to win faboulous
prizes! That’s right a Coupon Twitter party!
Be sure to RSVP in the Rafflecopter form. You will get a special “Tweet vite”
from the host @SavingsATLMoms! Now on to this fabulous giveaway, be sure to look at all the
spectacular prizes in the Rafflecopter form below that you can win! This event
is designed to start or continue your $avings with the use of coupons.
New prize items may be added to the event at anytime.
Sign up now for the May Online Coupon Class!
Class topics will be emailed to participants.
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What is a Coupon Train?*New Just added!
Can I save money without using coupons?*New Just added!
30 Places to use Coupons!
Top 5 Ways to $ave Money
Other Tips
10 Quick Weight Loss Tips
How to get cute French Nail tips!
CVS Green Bag Tag Program Discontinued!
Going Green Tips
Energy Efficient Appliances
Cold water vs. Hot water usage
Printable forms:
Twitter Party#1
When: 5|30|13
Where: Twitter
Host: @SavingsATLMoms {Follow now}
Hashtag: #SSFAMCoupons
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., EST
Twitter Party #2
When: 6|14|13
Where: Twitter
Host: @SavingsATLMoms
Cohost: @Momnbabyreviews
Cohost: @WaSoThriftiness
Hashtag: #SSFAMCoupons
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., EST
I could use this because I lost everything in my fridge and deep freeze because of severe weather here in Oklahoma.
So sorry to hear that Nora. I once lost everything in mine. Good luck to you. 🙂
Still laid off from my full time job so this would come in real handy!
It would help my gf and I save money as we are trying to save every time so we can get our own place.
Good luck to you both Jake. 🙂
I could really use this money! I have medical issues and live on disability. There are so many things I need to buy that are just too expensive. I need a vacuum, eye glasses, a new computer, a new mattress because the hard metal springs are sticking up out of mine and I have to be really careful or they scratch me or snag my clothes and make holes, I also need new clothes because mine are getting really old and I can't sew the holes anymore. After the cost of rent, bills and food I don't have very much left over. It's going to take me so long to save up for each of these things. I have tried to apply for credit, but nobody will give it to me because my income is so low. It would be so exciting to win this contest!!
Thank you for my chance to enter!!
Good luck everyone!!
Stacy Alexander
Good luck Stacy and thanks for the great comments. 🙂
My husband and I are in the process of buying a house and I need to save money! This binder will help me stay organized and disciplined.
I deserve the binder prize pack because I am a mom, wife and busy full time nursing student and my husband is the only bread winner in the house right now so we are always trying to save a dollar here and there so this would help ease the strain on the family budget. Thanks for the chance to win.
Wonderful Stephanie and good luck to you. 🙂
I deserve the binder because I donate about 1/2 of my couponing loot to a local homeless shelter & give away to family too.
Wonderful and good luck Dawn. 🙂
I'm a college student who's always searching for a deal! I can't remember the last time I purchased something for full price because I love finding things on sale. Since I am away at school, when I do get the opportunity to go home, my mom always has coupon ads laying out ready for me to cut out and organize. I really enjoy saving money and searching for deals on just about anything. I would love to win this giveaway and it would definitely help me out a ton! Being a college student, I'm definitely learning the ways of money and ways to save! Thanks so much for posting this giveaway! Good luck to everyone!
You are welcome Amber and good luck to you. 🙂
I deserve it because I used to have a coupon binder about two years ago and loved coupons and then someone stole my binder from me…My binder was just a simple one but it really hurt to have it gone!
Aww that is awful. Good luck to you. 🙂
I would LOVE to win because I try my best to use coupons, so being organized will totally help! Plus it will help me save money as we are looking to buy a house, and with being a stay at home mom and my husband the only one working, it will help us, big time! Thank you for the giveaway, and good luck to everyone! (lilbittypanda at aol dot com)
Good luck Heather!
I would love to win this amazing binder I carry my coupons in a box and use them each and every time we go shopping anything i can do to help save money for my one income family i do…I have heard of these binders and people live by them so they say…it makes life much easier to go shopping with one of these….If i am blessed to win this great if not best of luck to whom ever wins this amazing prize…thanks and many blessings…good luck everyone!!!!
I have been on the road of coupon saving for about 9 months and need to get organized a lot more. This really is a process and good tools can help.
My husband and I both work full time. We have a 20-month old, and another baby on the way. We try our best to save money, and cut spending where we can. We could really use these prizes! Thank you!
I would love to win this. I'm pretty much in the beginner stages of couponing, and more or less, it's a big mess. Having some help with the organization and saving my family some money, would be a great help. Given we're living on less than we ever have in a long time, i really need to figure out everything that I can about couponing. I need to save us some money, so bad. Thank you for the chance to win this.
I would really love to win this coupon binder. I'm new to couponing and really need help to get the best deals for my budget. I can no longer work. So that takes down our income a lot. We do not qualify for food stamps. So every little bit I can save comes in so handy. Thank you forthe giveaway
Good luck Kathy. 🙂
I would love to win this and provide for my family.
Well I have 3 sons that will eat me out of the house! lol I have a coupon pouch if you will even call it that I would love to be more organized and would love to start my couponing alittle more organized! Could definitely use this and would love the chance I never win anything so lol
i have 6 kids 2 grand kids and i do for everyone before myself i think i should win this because it would be my way of giving back to myself on the sly cuz actually i would be more organized to save more money to spend on others so i guess not really
i would love to win this! my coupon holder is getting too small, and i shop at all those places!
I am very unorganized when it comes to couponing!! I need all the help I can get. lol
I signed up for the newsletter..under
Great and thank you. 🙂
this binder would get me organized..I just use my purse..thanks
I love couponing. I need all the help I can get with a baby on the way. Saving anything will get us ready :).
I definitely understand and good luck Ashley. 🙂
I would love to win this since my husband and me are both full time students who are living on a super strict budget! Thanks for the opportunity
You are welcome and good luck!
I'm not sure that I deserve it, but I would love to win it so I could give it to my daughter. She keeps me, her husband, her 2 small children, our 2 dogs, 2 cats and 1 fish fed and supplied with all our needs no matter the cost. She does her best to keep up with coupons and sales but she doesn't have a system set up to handle it all. I believe with this kind of organizer her efficacy in this financial trial would amaze even herself. And she will enjoy an evening out as provided by some of the wonderful gift cards!
Great and thanks Pickles. 🙂
i am already a subscriber
because i coupon all the time and need to organize them!!!
Thanks and good luck!
I deserve it b/c I will use it,mine is falling apart & I love couponing!
I will use it, and often share goodies, from coworkers to unemployed friends to the food pantry!
Already signed up for newsletter 🙂
I would love to win because I feel that this would help my family tremendously. My husband is the only one working and couponing helps me feel like I'm contributing to the household, so my husband doesn't have to worry about any type of food or personal items.
Good luck Ashleigh. 🙂
I would love to win because we are a one income family. I am blessed to stay home & will begin homeschooling this fall. Money is tight right now, and this prize would help us out so much! I don't think I deserve it any more than anyone else, but I promise it would be put to good use if I win!! 🙂
I deserve to win because I'm a busy full-time working pregnant mommy to a toddler. We recently purchased our first home and are in process of painting, packing and moving in. We are on a very tight budget and I work really hard to coupon and save money but lately it's been really hard because I just don't have the time!
Great Sara and good luck!
I'm hoping to win this, not only because my current system is falling apart, but because I know many people are hoping to win so 99.99% of us have no chance of winning. That's just how the odds work, but for once I would like to win something that isn't going to just get used for a little while and then get forgotten, this would be used over and over again.
Thanks Heather and good luck!
I need to get myself organized to prepare for a 2nd baby!
Good luck Erica. 🙂
I deserve t win because every coupon I find on receipts I use.I also find them in a lot more places and save a lot of money.
Wonderful Laurie and good luck!
I coupon but I am not organized at all. I would save even more money if I was. More than once I could not find a coupon when I bought something and it later expired before I could use it.
Aww Noreen. Good luck to you. 🙂
I think I deserve a coupon binder full of goodies because I love to save my family money… I work so hard trying to organizemy coupons and a organized binder would be so great
Good luck Kelley. 🙂
Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to attend the Twitter Party tomorrow, and I really hate to miss it. I will be at a fundraiser for my local animal shelter from 5-8 pm. I'm definitely going to plan on attending the Twitter Party 6/14. I'm sure it will be a blast.
It is ok Pam, there will be plenty more. 🙂
I don't deserve it more than any other entrant, but would like to win because I need all of these things, and am on a super strict budget – trying to recover financially, after an unexpected divorce.
I would love to win this giveaway because i need the additional help getting organized! This would be a great giveaway to win!
I have signed up for the newsletter
I deserve these coupons and gift cards because I am working so hard to get my finances in order and get out of debt! These would provide much appreciated help in this goal!
Great idea for a giveaway! I got behind on my couponing last year and just have lacked the energy to get back into it. Receiving a gift like this would give me just what I need to get started again!
I don't think I deserve it above anyone else. We all have financial issues in this day and time, especially if u have children. They want everything with no concept of money. I have 4 of them asking for everything they see on TV! lol I started couponing a few months ago and have not figured out how to organize everything that works for me. This prize would be wonderful to help me out. I just wish I started couponing years ago!!! 🙂
I know what you mean about the children Wendy and good luck! 🙂
I currently have a binder that is falling apart. I really need something new for my coupons!
I would love to win this because it would motivate me to keep my coupons, etc more organized plus I would share my goodies with my coupon buddies.
I would love to win this!!! Thanks for offering such a GREAT giveaway!!!! This would really help my family!!! I am a Stay at Home MOM and would love to help my family out with all these great prizes and coupons!!!!
Thanks Manda and good luck!
I have six kids. I need all the savings I can get!