May Day! May Day! May Day! Coupon Binder Edition!
to the May Day Coupon Binder Extravaganza Event. I do hope that you are
excited and ready for another wonderful event!!!! You never know if you
may be the winner. Have you started to save with using coupons?
What is your #1 Savings tip that you can share with others? This giveaway
will also include a #SSFAMCoupons Twitter Party#1 on 5|30|13 @ 6:00 p.m. and 6|14|13 @ 6:00 p.m. Twitter Party #2. You will have the chance to win faboulous
prizes! That’s right a Coupon Twitter party!
Be sure to RSVP in the Rafflecopter form. You will get a special “Tweet vite”
from the host @SavingsATLMoms! Now on to this fabulous giveaway, be sure to look at all the
spectacular prizes in the Rafflecopter form below that you can win! This event
is designed to start or continue your $avings with the use of coupons.
New prize items may be added to the event at anytime.
Sign up now for the May Online Coupon Class!
Class topics will be emailed to participants.
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What is a Coupon Train?*New Just added!
Can I save money without using coupons?*New Just added!
30 Places to use Coupons!
Top 5 Ways to $ave Money
Other Tips
10 Quick Weight Loss Tips
How to get cute French Nail tips!
CVS Green Bag Tag Program Discontinued!
Going Green Tips
Energy Efficient Appliances
Cold water vs. Hot water usage
Printable forms:
Twitter Party#1
When: 5|30|13
Where: Twitter
Host: @SavingsATLMoms {Follow now}
Hashtag: #SSFAMCoupons
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., EST
Twitter Party #2
When: 6|14|13
Where: Twitter
Host: @SavingsATLMoms
Cohost: @Momnbabyreviews
Cohost: @WaSoThriftiness
Hashtag: #SSFAMCoupons
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., EST
Good luck everyone! Fingers crossed! 🙂
Good luck Ashleigh. 🙂
Woo-Hoo this one ends tonight, so excited to see who the winner is good luck everyone.
Thanks Kathy. 🙂
I deserve to win this binder because I have been diligently collecting coupons to save money on our grocery bill, I think the binder would really hellp in organizing them.
I don't believe I deserve this binder. This binder is so great that I don't think that I would ever be able to deserve it. But It is so great and put together by a wonderful person so I would be honored to receive it. I am new to couponing and could use all the help I could get. I really enjoy your blog so much.
Thank you and good luck!
I work really hard to save money, and I would like to learn how to coupon. This would be a great start!
I am a stay-at-home mom, so we are living on one income. I try to save money by using coupons, but I also have a baby, so sometimes my days can be so disorganized. I deserve to win this prize because it would help me be more organized and save time and money so that I can spend more time with my family and save some of the money that my husband works very hard to earn.
Thanks Alisha and good luck to you. 🙂
This would be soooo great! Trying to raise 3 kids on a budget. This would really be great!
Good luck Jessica. 🙂
I'm getting into coupons to help my family live on one income.
I want to see what I should be doing and I've never attended a twitter party – lets see if I can do this right!
I would love to share this with my daughters. I have just taught them to save money using coupons and they are excited about every one they find now! Thank you!