In honor of all those who have lost their battle with Cancer including my grandmother, I thought I would make this event really special for others who are in support of the cause. My grandmother used to save on her groceries by growing her own food in her garden. I learned so much from her when I was young and can still see the figs growing on the fig trees. This celebration is one you don’t want to miss out on. The gifts and coupon binder is super special!
September’s Coupon Binder Extravaganza kicked off with a bang and keep in mind that the Coupon Binder Extravaganza event will take
place once a month and there is no telling what will be included
in the giveaway. There are some really nice prizes. If you have never used coupons before, you may want to start. I will be starting online classes here on 12/1/2012! The cost is only $5 per person and completely online. Stay tuned for more details. I
have personally saved over $3000 this year alone through the use coupons and great savings on groceries, clothing and other
items including vehicle repairs and maintenance. I have used some of the saved cash to provide donations and support to others.
You would be surprised
at all of the money you could save each month on groceries if you just
spent 1 hour preparing for your grocery shopping. Sometimes, there are
great sales that you can find and with the right coupon, you can
sometimes get an item for FREE! Yes, FREE!
Now, on to the giveaway! Be sure to look at all the spectacular prizes
in the Rafflecopter form below that you can possibly win! This event is designed
to get the whole family $aving. After you enter, tell your friends and family, they may want to enter also. Oh, be sure to check the giveaway often as prizes that can be won may be added. You will see the “New! Just added! title along with the prize. If you want to purchase a coupon binder during this event, head on over to SSFAM and purchase a binder today. There are many different options to choose from. Good luck and share!!!
are 100% mine and I love $avings, Coupons and helping others to save! I
am not associated with Case- It. There is no purchase necessary to
enter. This giveaway is not associated with Facebook. Enjoy and Good luck to everyone!
I've been couponing for about 15 years. I love saving money!
1. I am not new to couponing, I've been doing it for over a year now. I clip coupons and put them in a binder that is pretty tacky since I've had it since high school.
2. I hope that I can get my family out of debt before we have a second child, which is the works right now!
3. I've made money on several occasions, and save on average 50-70% on everyday items. Usually about a $50 savings.
A friend introduced me to couponing early this year, so I have been doing it for a few months. By couponing I hope to save a few bucks so that I can have extra money in my pockets. The most that I have saved by couponing was $23.
iloveher6923 [at] yahooDOTcom
I use to use coupons but its so hard without a newspaper order..or printer
I would like to be able to save money with couponing to travel more!
I have been couponing for almost two years and I love it! I've saved so much money!
I have been couponing for about 1 1/2 years. I don't have a good binder that works. I have saved 43% on one trip but that was only one time. I hope to save money.
Thanks for the great give away!!
We are been very personally touched by breast cancer. We buried a very close family friend today!!!!!! On Nov 16, 2012! Its a very sad sad day!
i am not new to couponing, but i don't remember when i started. i think i have been couponing for as long as i have been old enough to shop.
jagar0047 at yahoo dot com
I am new to couponing. Newish anyway! i started to save money and help our family eat and pay our bills. The most I have saved so far was $434 on an $849 dollar bill!! WOOT
I guess it didn't post, but yes. My friend suffered through breast cancer. She reminded me that it's important to be thankful for the good days that we are given. I try my best to earn them. Lieutcrunch27 (at) gmail (dot) com
2) What do you hope to accomplish by couponing?
Saving money and still feeding hubs and myself healthy nutritious foods
rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com
1)I'm a couponing rookie! Before I didn't really see coupons as worth the effort.. but these things are as good as cash.
2) I hope to save money without having to downgrade in quality.
3) I saved about 40 bucks on a trip to the grocery! Free gas money!
Lieutcrunch27 (at) gmail (dot) com
I have been couponing for 20 years. I started because I needed to find away to provide items my family needed at the lowest price possible & to save money to put into savings. The most I saved on 1 shopping trip was $88. Total cost of groceries was $100.33. After coupons I only had to pay $12.33 🙂
I am BRAND new to couponing. Just started about 2-3 weeks ago!
1) Tell me if you are new to couponing? If not, how long have you been couponing?
I have been couponing for my entire life, but more extremely in the last two years. I always check to see if there is a coupon before I buy ANYTHING.
2) What do you hope to accomplish by couponing?
I hope to be able to afford groceries. Right now I make as much per month as my bills cost so I actually can not afford food with just my "full time job" alone so I need to think of creative ways to earn and save money.
3) What is the most you have saved by couponing?
There are times were I walk out and save 100% off a bill that cost $70. It is rare, but it is nice.
I am really new to it. I am so new that I just put them in my purse. I envy coupon experts.
I have been couponing for around 10 years. I know I have saved a lot of money over the years
s2s2 at comcast dot net
I am new to couponing… I really just need to start saving money to get out of debt. This kit looks awesome and would give me the jump start I need. The most I've saved so far is $22 but I know I could do so much better! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity… I hope I win 🙂
One of my professors in college has suffered from breast cancer. no one in my family has though. I know my prof. is extremely strong willed!
my husband is actually into couponing & he's good at it he's been doing it for a long time we save so much money!
Not completely new, but I usually only use the coupons the stores send me or if I win some. I have saved my complete bill, less taxes, a bit over $100, again, I had several free product coupons. I have got to get our bill lowered, just to stay afloat.
I love to coupon so much! It takes up most Sunday afternoons!
Not new to couponing. Seem to do it in fits and starts. Random spurts. Hoping this helps get me organized enough about it that I can start seeing consistent savings.
I am new to couponing and hope to be able to help save money on the things my family needs (food, personal care, pet supplies, baby supplies, etc). I think the most I saved at one time was around $30 with free product coupons which are my favorites
I'm new to couponing, and I'd love to save money towards our family vacation!
1) I've only been couponing for about a year now
2) I basically hope to save my parents a lot of money grocery shopping, and also to try new products.
3) Hmm, maybe 10 bucks.
i am new to coupons i use the store rewards card so i would like to start and see what savings would be
i am pretty new to couponing. i havent quite figured out how the get the really good deals
I hope to save $$ on what I regularly buy.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
I'm new to couponing. I've been doing it as long as about 6 months but i love it!
I hope to accomplish feeding my family on our tight weekly budget
I have been couponing in more than just grocery stores for many years now
I have a woman I considered part of my family when I was very young. It was my grade school best friend's mom. She battled cancer and we watched her wither away to nothing and then I remember I was at school on Valentine's Day and found out she had finally passed away. It was very sad seeing how sick she was. I remember what a "cool" mom she was a riding around in her mini van.
im new to couponing, but i did save alot one time at target.
i spent 67.00 but saved 45.00
rochelle johnson
I am new to couponing. I am not quite sure about all the basics and how to do it yet, but I am learning!
Im new to couponing, i want to save money, maybe $40 in one transaction
I have been couponing for years. I use the money I save towards buying the better fruits and veggies that I like. Produce is expensive!
scarter305 at aol dot com
i have been couponing for many years
Most I have saved was $150 I have been coupining for about a year noew. sweepmorey at gmail dot com
I added a comment on your post Save $3.00 on Meat or Seafood- Kroger, Thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
I have been couponing for over 20 years, using coupons every shopping trip to help save money for my family. I have shopped with free item coupons for a 100% savings trip and love to stack manufacturer's and store coupons with Buy One Get One sales. Thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
I've been couponing for over ten years and rarely leave home without my binder. At the very least I always have a few coupons in my purse. With the economy tanking it's become more and more necessary to try and save money any way that I can. My husband passed almost three years ago and I lost everything, so while living with my son and daughter in law, couponing helps me to do 'my fair share'. I've had some tremendous savings, my best shopping trip was spending $4.08 on $177.59! It blew my mind, what a rush! Great prize, thanks for the opportunity!
I have been couponing since I was a teeneger! It enables me to provide for my family at half the cost without coupons!
i have been couponing for about 8 years now.the most i ever saved was $90.00 at the grocery store
Although I've been using occasional coupons for years, I'm new to the whole 'couponing' thing. I would love to save more money on my groceries and other household purchases. Thanks for the giveaway.
I am new to couponing and I'm trying to learn how to get the most out of it, A binder would surely help to keep me organized.
I got started with couponing when I was 3 years old. My grandmother and great grandmother were taking care of my brother and I for 2 weeks while my parents were out of town. They would sit me down every morning with the coupons out of the newspaper, and it was my job to cut out the coupons for them. Then we went shopping!
I am just getting back into it after a long break
The most I have saved couponing was I had about 10 coupons for 75 cents off of meullers pasta, they were BOGO at my store, so I was able to use 2 coupons per deal, I got my pasta for free with overage left over to buy 2 gallons of sweet tea which was also Bogo 🙂
I'm still a beginner, but was impressed with that!