Have your kids started back to school? Mine sure have and it has been quiet around here. Enter to win a surprise amount Aeropostale Gift Card!
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Tammy S says
FB share
Tammy S says
I would use it on my daughter for school clothes.
ufg8trj says
shared on fb
ufg8trj says
I would totally use this for me, I deserve it!!
autumn grace says
my 2 boys
PaulaM S says
I would use it for my granddaughter.
bayctygrl says
I would use it on my daughter
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
Stephanie Phelps says
I shared this giveaway on twitter
Stephanie Phelps says
I would use it for my oldest son he loves this store! Thank you for the chance! 🙂
Tiffany Drew says
I'd use this for my daughter, thank you!
Shannon Jaymesmom Gallagher says
GFC follower as shannon gallagher (no capital letters)
Shannon Gallagher on RC
Shannon Jaymesmom Gallagher says
Shannon Jaymesmom Gallagher says
My daughter would be the one using it.
Shannon Gallagher on RC
Terri says
Shared here https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=506904196050703&id=100001933815908&ref=m_notif¬if_t=group_activity&_rdr
Terri says
Shared here https://mobile.twitter.com/BetzMyboyblue11/status/365522173269516288
Terri says
My Grandson, as he heads off to college! 🙂
courtney gibson says
myself for a birthday treat
Kathy Lane says
I have 2 granddaughters that live with me and they would love for me to win this.This is their favorite brand!
Kathy mingolo Ashford says
I would save the card until my son came home on leave in February and then let him use it.
SJ Roragen says
my g/daughter would love this.
Amy Orvin says
GFC Follower as Amy Orvin
I commented on this post: It's time to get ready for the Back-to-School Event! as Amy Orvin
Amy Orvin says
Facebook share – https://www.facebook.com/amyorvin/posts/637849556234846
Amy Orvin says
I'd use it for myself!
Dawn Cates says
I would give it to my son
Ellen says
Shared – https://twitter.com/usnamom2014/status/365448281251266561
Ellen says
I use it for my teenage son
Karen B says
Karen B says
I would start Christmas shopping with it.
jenspurg says
I'd use this for my daughters.
carol clark says
use it for my daughter probably some hoddies
Linda C says
shared https://twitter.com/96bmw318ti/status/365430885589319680
Linda C says
I would use on my hubby
ATLanta Saving Moms says
Wonderful and thanks Linda. 🙂
Angie B. says
Shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/precisely.mine/posts/347341385397379
Angie B. says
I'd give this gift card to my 13-year-old son who loves Aeropostale's shirts! (Angie PreciselyMine)
ATLanta Saving Moms says
Thanks and good luck Angie!