1. Walking in the Mall ~ Most kids enjoy the idea of being in an area where there is retail. If your mall is close to home in walking or just for a nice drive in the evening, consider going to your local mall for some power walking. You can also consider walking on the stairs.
2. Plan a night of dance ~ Plan one specific night out of the week for 20-30 minutes with your favorite song to dance the night away with your kids. Not only will it bring laughter, but the calories being lost will make you all feel good.
3. Black Belt Anyone ~ Local karate schools are great when it comes to exercising plus learning a new martial arts. Visit a local karate school and observe the different moves and exercises that would occur with 1 hour of class!
4. Hit the Floor! ~ Love bootcamp? Take turns in your family dropping to the floor and doing 2-3 sets of 10 reps of pushups. Let kids be the one in charge and vice versa {You know kids love to tell us what to do}.
5. Everybody Jump! Jump! ~ Did you know that jumping rope can result in over 300 calories being lost? Break out those jump ropes and set a time for 30 minutes and go for it!
What fun exercise activities do you usually perform with your children? Share in the comments below.
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Whew! I'm already tired from reading this. LOL. We have Dance Revolution (think that's what it's called) on Wii and my kids love to get me dancing with them. I'm usually exhausted, but they always seem exhilarated. 🙂 Yes, they normally have to "make" me do it with them. LOL
Lol Petula! I haven't tried Dance Revolution yet with my kids but I can see that it is fun. 🙂
Fun and great ideas! Once they get outside, they end up staying! 🙂 Thanks Q!
Thanks Terri for the comment. 🙂