It is Surprise Thursday here at Simple Savings For ATL Moms and I am super excited to be giving away a wonderful gift card to a mother or father to take their child to Chuck E Cheese’s! This week my son won his first football game as being a Freshman in High School 36-32!!! Boy are we celebrating. I am also providing some great coupons for even bigger savings to your visit at Chuck E. Cheese’s. Good luck to everyone who enters.
im an all time visitor, i love this blog it rocks, from store deals and great reads, i love it all
my daughter has brought her grades up so much this week, so happy
That is a great celebration!!!! Thanks for the comments and for loving this blog. 🙂
My daughter made an A on her first Spelling Test!
I love it Charlotte. 🙂
So far I think I have visited every week for the past couple of months. 🙂
My niece has been working hard at her job, trying to save money to get her own car! I give her allot of credit!
This is good Tom and thanks for sharing. 🙂
He really surprised us by cleaning up his room on his own – Thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Good Kim and thanks for the comments. 🙂
This is my first time for Surprise Thursday – Thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
every couple of weeks i look to see if its useful for my family
he surprised me by spelling all his spelling words for his first spelling test entered under
Wonderful Carol!!!! 🙂
almost every week! btw- congrats!
my dd is beginning to recognize her lower case letters
That is wonderful. 🙂
Every time I see them on Facebook!
My 2-year old is starting to potty all on her own without being asked!
Just wonderful Brittany. 🙂
I usually get here every week!
My daughter comforted her little brother after he got shots!
Awww that is really sweet Megan. It definitely shows her compassion. 🙂