Having a hard time coming up with cash to pay for certain items, consider
these 5 Ways to Save money now!
1. Stop smoking cigarettes! A carton of cigarettes could cost anywhere
from $14-$20. If you smoke a carton weekly a month, you could save
between $56-$80/month! Think about what you could do with an extra $80/month.
How much could you save if There are over 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke
including rat poison. Consider a smoking cessation program with your
insurance company or smoking alternatives {nicotine patches, electronic
cigarettes, nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, nicotine nasal spray, Chantix
medication or quit cold turkey}. Visit smokefree.gov and learn more
2. Internet! This is FREE at certain WiFi locations. I have seen
them in libraries, restaurants, book stores, etc. Go here and enter your zip code to find a
Hotspot location near you.
3. FREE Exchange of goods at FREE Cycle! No one pays for items but
have to pick up the items at your own expense and discretion. Visit them today and check out what is
available in your state.
4. Gym Membership! Find some of your favorite work out exercises on You
Tube! I have found many of them and they have been of high quality. You may
also consider walking at your local park with a friend. Nowadays, there are
game systems like the Wii game console or Xbox 360 where you can a purchase an
exercise game. When you think about it, a $36 fitness game can beat the costs
of membership monthly fees the year. For example, if you pay $14.99 a month for
gym membership this could cost you near $180.00 for the year. That $36 fitness
is looking great right. Also, you can find some exercise DVDs at your local
Goodwill store for less than $5.
5. Checking Account! Ever thought of looking for FREE online checking
accounts? Try to look for one that also offers online bill pay.
Here are some resources:
– Ally
– Capital One 360
–Perk Street Financial
–USAA Checking
–Ever Bank
All of the above checking accounts are FDIC insured.
P.S. What are some ways you use today to save? Share in the comments below. Your tip just may be helpful to another reader.
These are some great money saving tips. Thanks for posting this. Of course not smoking is the number one way to save money. I feel so bad about all the people who waste so much money on those things. And the free wi fi option is great as well.
I use a vendor coupon on top of a manufacture coupon for my maximum savings.
We plan errands so that we not running around all the time.
Thank you for the amazing tips! Some you wouldn't think of right off the bat either!
-Ashley Marie Morrissey
I love the free exchange of goods tip! I am always looking for ways to save money
Amanda Sakovitz
Great tips! I try to save money by using lots of coupons and shopping sales.
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
I love #3! I have never heard of freecycle. One way I save money is by not buying postit notes, and I buy less printer paper this way. I have a few piles of scrap paper that I either cut to a size I want, staple together to make a little notebook, or I use the blank sides to print out my coupons.
Great tips! I really need to work on quitting smoking. Not just for the money that would be saved, but for my health!
Well to save money my biggest thing is to stay out of the stores! Not saying never go and use your coupons but you will save so much more staying away from them! Once I traded in all of my junk foods and processed foods and started eating healthier and making my own foods WOW I saved a ton of money and my health is better too! I can't find coupons for fresh stuff much which stinks.
I find a lot of free ebooks on Amazon and regularly enter contests at GoodReads — I've won more than a handful there. Another thing is cooking from scratch as much as possible, including things like beans. Making a pot of beans once a week or so, I drain and freeze them, then use them in the food I make. It adds up! 🙂
The Youtube suggestion for workout videos is great. I found so many great exercise videos on there. Also, I'm going to checkout Freecycle. Thanks.
I coupon a lot, and buy most items at Thrift Stores, and we almost never eat out, or go much.
These are all great tips. You are absolutely spot on with your suggestions. I already do most of them!
My savings tip is use coupons and match up with sales also remember some stores price match so you dont have to go to all the stores and you can save on gas
I honestly do not smoke cigarettes, but my mom used to while I was growing up and she decided it was time to quick, once she did, she saved up $5 everytime she had the urge to buy a pack and eventually she took me to a beautiful musical of the Titanic. It was well worth it! As for the free checking, there are many that are available in my area. You have excellent tips for everyone, and I have taken some in to account. Thank you! lilbittypanda at aol dot com
I love all these tips and would strongly agree with the internet has saved me alot and even got things for free such a help im blessed to have it and great people to look to for help
love these! thanks for helping us all save!
#1 is SO TRUE. When my hubby quit smoking, it make a noticeable difference in our budget, even though he wasn't smoking that many cigs per week. It adds up!
wow thanks for sharing these amazing ways to save even more in our already hectic lifes….I have already started using green ways to save my family money all the time…thanks for sharing
I am just learning to "go green". I can make a batch of laundry soap for just a little over $30. Right now we're into our 6th month of it & I have more than half left, so it's going to last over a year. (there are just 2 of us at home now) AND I've made my own wool dryer balls. These have cut my drying time in half, at least. BUT WAIT, THAT'S NOT ALL! When you use dryer balls, you will never have to buy softener again. E.V.E.R. I don't know HOW it works, or why, but it certainly does. CHA-CHING!
pack lunch and make those coffee drinks at home
A tip to save money hmm? Here are a few things I do (many or all may be obvious to people though)
1. Coupon!
2. Recycle/Reuse old items (if they're still good or have good parts. You can make crafts with just about anything!)
3. Conpost (Ok, haven't done this one in too long, but it's good for the Earth and you save on fertilizer)
4. Free games! There are free games everywhere, and if you're good you'll find a ton of free and LEGAL games. Like MMORPGS? Check out Mabinogi. Like dress up? Check out kofk.de! These are two of hundreds (thousands? millions?) of free and legal games. I could talk about free games forever, but I'll let you search 😉
5. Use every shred of paper. If it is only good for scrap, make a scrap paper drawer!
6. Keep your eye on deal blogs for samples and sales!
7. Eat at home – it tastes better anyway
8. Avoid name brand unless it's cheaper
9. Use Amazon and ebay, but make sure the sellers have good reviews before buying from them!
10. Enter contests! I love instant win games, and won a lot of great stuff! The most expensive item I have won was worth $130, and that was from an instant win game!
These are great tips, thank you!
love all the tips 😀 I love finding new ways to save money!
Free internet! I love free internet! I hate data charges! lexbaylor17 (at) gmail (dot) com
That's a great list. Thanks for the advice!
Thanks for the great tips
I work out at home with my sister and save so much money! As for the internet I live in the middle of no where it would cost me way to much money to drive to a place with free wifi I wish I had that option 🙁
I love freecycle! We've found some great stuff in our area.
great tips..I never of freecycle so I need to look into that..thanks simmsmba@gmail.com
I love freecycle!
i just swtiched my checking account from wells fargo to pnc. WF charged us $5 a month!
These are all great ways to save. Some of the ways I save are never eating out, I always bring my lunch to work. Also, I plan my trips so that I can do all my errands at once and save on gas. Thanks!
Your post is right on….great job !!! I didn't know about # 3 will have to check that out. I also freeze alot of left overs for easy future meals. 🙂
These are great ways to save money! Thanks for the tips. I also quit smoking and cut down on junk food and eating out.
we are going thru a rought time what we do is we compare prices and cut coupons and try to stock up on stuff that we need and are at a good price
I am a single mom and I am always trying to find ways to cut my budget. I do smoke cigarettes but I recently bought an electronic cigarette kit. I'm hoping if I stop smoking real cigarettes, I might save some money by smoking the electronic cigarettes instead! I have free Wifi at work so that really helps on my Internet bill. Thanks for the tips!
Love all the ways to save money. Hubby quit smoking about 1 year ago, definitely have saved lol. I use coupons to help save us as much as possible! 🙂
Great info! Coupons and giveaways too! I seldom have to buy gifts for BDAYS and things that come up because I can usually find something in my winnings that is appropriate!
I coupon clip and on the giveaways get free coupons for products too. I also put in for freebie samples which is a great way to try products so I don't waste $$ buying the product in the future that my family does not like.
I use coupons to save money. I check out multiple stores for the best deals each week and I stock up on items I use when they are on sale and I have a coupon to go with the sale
These are all hot topics for me!! I do have to pay for my internet as I do a lot of work online from my home, but I find deals!
FreeCycle is a blessing. I've been able to keep things out of the landfill and I even received a couch and an all wooden bunkbed, which I FreeCycled!
For those that have cable, check on your free OnDemand programming. There are a ton of free workouts from various cable providers!
I also have a CapitalOne 360 account for me and my son!
Thank you for all the great tips,I have a lot of dvds,weights and equipment at home so I have own free me membership!
yes very true
Great ideas! My daughter saves money by watching Zumba youtube videos…..and I love to save money at Publix (local grocery store) with their Buy1Get1Free sales with a coupon to match. Double savings! Love this store! I haven't heard of Free Cycle – have to check them out. Thanks!
very informationial thanks for the great post , i need all the help i can get
I have not heard of Free Cycle before, but will definitely check that out. I don't smoke or have a gym membership. The only suggestion I would have some trouble with, would be the internet use. I just can't picture giving up my own secure internet wifi.
We save money buy walking instead of driving when we can, using cloth diapers and borrowing videos from the library instead of renting them
These are great ways to save money. My husband is a smoker, so the expense of buying cigarettes became too much after we were both laid off a couple of years ago. It's sure a great time to quit.
We also have learned to stack coupons for essential items, conserve electricity by having a free home inspection from BGE on ways to save energy, and by looking for free community events for day night.
Good tips! Instead of going to the gym I just walk with friends.I also use less detergent buy watering it down! It still cleans the clothes real good. I also on nice days hang my clothes outdoors.