Thanksgiving is almost here and I wanted to take some time out of my schedule to let my wonderful fans know my Top 10 things I am thankful for this year!
1. The Creator – without my relationship with GOD, I would not be where I am today for you my fans and my family.
2. Family – The support system that I have with my family is truly amazing!
3. Fans/Friends/Sorors – It is always great to have the loving support from my fans. I see your visits every day and thank you for the many emails and comments. My friends are truly spectacular! My dear sorors are close to my heart and I love you all.
4. Brand relationships – I love it when a brand/product company contacts me and we build those long lasting relationships. The feelings I have are beyond expression.
5. Putting money back in the pockets of mothers/fathers- I am so thankful that I have been able to share some of my talents/resources with others this year through couponing and finding other unique ways on how to save. When I see those stories from you and my followers on their savings of anywhere from $20 up to $150 from their grocery or retail shopping experiences based on my techniques, it truly makes my heart feel proud. You are the reason that I take time to bring you the best savings in Atlanta and all over the USA. This year, SSFAM was able to help 2 great families put Thanksgiving Dinners on their tables for their family this year not just a Turkey!
Happy Thanksgiving holiday to all my fans,
I am thankful for my family, and I am thankful for you and all you do for your readers!
Thank you Erica. 🙂
I am thankful for my husband, my kids, my friends, God, my health, my family's health, turkey, coupons, internet and SavingsATLMoms
Wonderful Ashleigh. 🙂
my kids
happy thanksgiving
Same to you Erica. 🙂