If you live in the Atlanta area near Floyd road the store is closing. Everything is 50% off. See the address below and run, don’t walk. I visited today and there were still many items to buy from makeup, Halloween candy, gum, newspapers {Yes, Sunday paper with coupon inserts for only $1.25}, drinks, baby items, Halloween costumes, housewares, food, personal care items, nail polish, children’s books, photo albums, etc. They are not accepting anymore coupons at this location. All sales are final.
4637 Hicks Rd SW,
Total cost for the 65 items before sale: $128.39
Total cost out of pocket $67.10
Total saved $61.29
Total savings 47%
Always check the clearance and store closings on items you can save plus stock up on for your home. Many of the items I purchased today were needed for me and my children.
Thanks Petula!
Very cool. Not near me, but if I happen to need to go in that direction I definitely will go right there.