Welcome to the final series: Week #5 of Pantry Organization
Shelf #5
Here we are at the last shelf in the Week 5 Pantry Organization series!
What’s on your top shelf?
You can easily place larger items on your top shelf, especially if they do not fit on any other shelves.
Take a look at mine below.
I mostly keep my crackers, flour pancake mix, etc. at the top.
Savings Tools to use: Markers, Labels
Need to review previous weeks, consider going here now: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4.
I have answered the 3 required questions on your Birthday Bash giveaway posting, thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Some of the items on my top shelf are pancake mix, instant dinners (like Hamburger Helper), flour, shortening, and other large cans. Ours is not nearly as organized as yours!
Not sure what the three required questions are for the giveaway. Where are they posted?
I think you are referring to the Blog Birthday Giveaway Kimberly. 🙂
Entering for the giveaway! Thanks!