Welcome to Day #9!
Topic of the day:
{6 Simple Savings shopping tips to use at CVS}
I do shop CVS all the time and I love it!
There are many great deals you can find at CVS besides pharmacy items (Toothpaste, Deodorant, Cereal, Milk, Perfume, Candy, Hardware, Magazines, etc.)
Consider these 6 shopping tips if you visit CVS!
1. Sign up for the Extra Care Card
2. Purchase items
with Extra Bucks Rewards and save even more with your purchase.
with Extra Bucks Rewards and save even more with your purchase.
3. Scan your
Extra Care Card at the Coupon Center for immediate store coupons/savings.
Extra Care Card at the Coupon Center for immediate store coupons/savings.
4. Purchase and
use your Green Bag Tag. At every 4th
scan, you will receive a $1 Extra Care Buck (ECB). ECBs are like cash in
CVS. You can use however many you want.
Can only be used in CVS.
use your Green Bag Tag. At every 4th
scan, you will receive a $1 Extra Care Buck (ECB). ECBs are like cash in
CVS. You can use however many you want.
Can only be used in CVS.
5. Sign up for
the beauty club to save on beauty items.
the beauty club to save on beauty items.
6. Look for in-store clearance items. Ask the cashiers how to spot items on
Question: Do you shop at CVS? If not, what local pharmacy do you have in your area (Rite Aid, Walgreen’s, Publix, Kroger, etc.)? Have you ever considered shopping at a pharmacy and using coupons?
Happy Couponing,
I don't have a CVS in my area.
I do all of the above! I love CVS. And since I have so many prescriptions thanks to the fibromyalgia, I rack the cvs bucks up pretty easy 🙂
Sherri L
Wonderful and thanks Sherri for the feedback. 🙂
Sometimes we shop at CVS! We have to drive to the next town, twenty miles one way, to go to CVS! But I have signed up for the rewards card and do plan our rare trips to save!
That is great that you signed up for the rewards card Terri and don't forget to sign up online for their email for more savings. 🙂
I love shopping at CVS! Sometimes they're overpriced on things, but when they have sales you can save a bunch of money! I love their store coupons and extra care bucks!
I do agree Jennifer that you have to watch the items that are priced and sometimes you can find some really great deals. I love getting their % off coupons in the email. ~ Quida
We have a CVS where I live but I don't shop there too often. They are not very friendly and usually the customer service is poor. I do however love Walgreen's especially since they started the rewards balance program. I am always getting great deals with my coupons from them.
Hi Kathy, I had experienced a bad interaction a couple of times at a local CVS but guess what? I called the corporate headquarters and voiced my concerns. Then I spoke with the store manager. Things was changed immediately and now the store is a 100% better and the employees are different. Customer service is very important to me and when I feel that I do not have it, I do have to say something discretely. ~ Quida