Topic: What
is a coupon policy and why is it important?
is a coupon policy and why is it important?
coupon policy is simply the rules that the store wants you to use when you use coupons
to purchase their products. You want to know your favorite stores coupon policies as some stores have limits on the amount of coupons you can use per purchase, for example target has a limit of 4 like coupons/per day/per household unless the coupon limits even more. If you are reading the coupon rules and get confused, remember if you belong to
a coupon support group you can always ask questions. If not, you can always feel free to contact the
store’s manager or corporate headquarters to get more clarification. There is a
list on my blog {right side bar} of some of the major stores coupon policies. Feel
free to click the links and read more.
coupon policy is simply the rules that the store wants you to use when you use coupons
to purchase their products. You want to know your favorite stores coupon policies as some stores have limits on the amount of coupons you can use per purchase, for example target has a limit of 4 like coupons/per day/per household unless the coupon limits even more. If you are reading the coupon rules and get confused, remember if you belong to
a coupon support group you can always ask questions. If not, you can always feel free to contact the
store’s manager or corporate headquarters to get more clarification. There is a
list on my blog {right side bar} of some of the major stores coupon policies. Feel
free to click the links and read more.
Class questions/thought: How well do you know your favorite store coupon policy? How often do you review it for updates? How do you feel about your favorite store coupon policy? Do you feel the rules are to stringent?
I know my favorite stores coupon policy pretty well I think. I think it is pretty fair especially since they double up to .60!!!! I have reviewed it twice this month but want to get on a routine of checking it once every couple of months.
I'm not that familiar yet. Have to read up on it.
slehan at juno dot com
I feel like once I get to know my favorate stores policy they always change it, so I try to look at them at least monthly.
I Feel that I know my favorite store's policy pretty well. I have not reviewed it since I have not had an issue when shopping and using coupons. It would probably be a good idea for me to review them and keep with me though in case I did.
I know my favorite stores coupon policies pretty good. I try to check them once a month, on the first. I usually have a copy in my binder with me. Most of the stores I can deal with there policies. There is one that is always trying to change the rules to suit them. I try to avoid that store if I can.
I check for new policies often, what makes me mad is when the store won't abide by their policy it gets frustrating at times.
I try to keep up with the coupon policy changes for the stores that I shop at, some of the rules are a little stringent – one of my favorite stores won't accept online coupons for free items.
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Sometimes i take a copy of the stores coupon policy with me in case the checkers try to argue about something. Especially walmart-i do not think the checkers there know the store coupon policy.
Honestly, Meijer's policy has changed so much lately, that I need to read up on it. I used to know it well, but there have been a lot of changes. Before the recent changes, I was able to save a lot more, so I don't like it as well!
I think I know my favorite store's coupon policy pretty well. I check it every now and again because there hasn't been a change in it for a little while. I feel like most coupon policies are pretty simple and understandable. I can see how it would become an issue if someone were trying to buy more than 4 of the same item or just wants to use a lot of coupons in one transaction.