October 1, 2012 by QuidaMy Annual Grocery $avings!!!! Annual Kroger Grocery Savings to date = $848.63 Goal is $1000.00 for the year!!! Only $151.37 more to go!!! Comment if you love savings!!! What are you savings goals for the year? Have a great day,
JoMoni10 says October 2, 2012 at 3:38 pm I wish I could save even just half that!!!! Thank you for helping me!
Dawn Kropp says October 1, 2012 at 7:39 pm You go Girl!! That is FANTABULOUS 🙂 I keep all of my receipts, but have not totaled them out yet… I should 🙂
I wish I could save even just half that!!!! Thank you for helping me!
You go Girl!! That is FANTABULOUS 🙂 I keep all of my receipts, but have not totaled them out yet… I should 🙂
Thank you Dawn for the wonderful comment. 🙂