Welcome to the Mother’s Tote Bag Giveaway! Prize value is over $250! One lucky person will win it all!
Enter to win Mothers Designer Tote Bag filled with many beauty items, coupons, gift cards, etc.
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Thanks Elle for sharing. 🙂
It's always hard to find time for myself since there is always something that needs to get done but I really try to make time to relax and read (preferably in the tub) as much as possible.
shared on facebook- https://www.facebook.com/amanda.whitley.92372/posts/243401835851835
the only time i take for myself is when i go couponing once a week
commented on http://www.simplesavingsforatlmoms.com/2014/05/publix-1-cent-item-today-publix-paper.html
I don't have time for myself. I have 2 kids 2,4yrs old they keep me pretty busy =)
I try to find some me time after my daughter goes to sleep. It doesn't happen often because I'm always finding things that need to be done.
Shared on FB by the name Ada Miller
I hardly ever take time for myself. I try to after the kids go to bed, but im usually falling asleep too or they wont go to sleep so that time is shot out of the water. lol Thanks for the giveaway & hope everyone had a happy Mother's Day!
aemgeg4 (@) yahoo (dot) com
Tweeted – https://twitter.com/kimbreid/status/466082043302928385
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Commented on your post – Mother Day Freebies, 2014
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
I like to get some reading time each night before going to sleep!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Instagram: @amyorvin
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I try and take time for myself every night.
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I try to take at least 20 minutes a day to devote to myself; usually in the evening. I try to read a book or watch one of my favorite shows. Any bit of down time I can get helps me decompress from a hectic day.
i left a comment here
honestly probably NEVER !:) always a mommy…
I exercise or watch a movie
I get very little time to myself as a mother it seems like all I have time for sometimes is everyone else 🙁
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I have to take time for myself as a Mother because it can be exhausting and I will be drained if I do not. I take time one day a week.
Since my children are grown and all moved out sometimes I feel like I have too much time. But I love spending as much time as I can with my grandchildren and the good thing about that is I can spoil them and then send them home 🙂
As a woman I don't think I take time for just me.