General Sales
Lay’s Potato Chips 2 for $5
Tide Detergent $4.99
Red Tomatoes on the vine $1.49 lb
Hot or Lean pockets $1.88
Kroger 32 pack water $3.49
Navel oranges $4.99
Frito Lay Snack 20-22 ct pack $5.99
Kroger Milk $2.99
Kroger Sour Cream 4 for $5
Big K soft drinks 2 for $5
Little Debbie Snack Cake 2 for $3
Pillsbury Frozen Breakfast $1.88
Kroger Salad Dressing 3 for $5
10 for $10
Kroger Bread 10 for $10
Gatorade or G 2 10 for $10
Michelina’s Entree 10 for $10
Vitamin Water 10 for $10
Annies Natural Macaroni and Cheese 10 for $10
Bar S Franks 10 for $10
Armour Lunchmakers 10 for $10
Knorr Rice or Pasta Sides 10 for $10
Kroger Fish Sticks 10 for $10
Meal Planning Main Dish Sales Tips
Fresh Tyson Chicken Breast $0.99 lb
Moist and Tender Boneless Pork Loin $1.99
Pork back ribs $2.99 lb
Ragu Pasta Sauce 3 for $5
Pillsbury refrigerated dough sale 4 for $5
Kroger Corned Beef $3.49 lb
Atlantic Salmon Fillet $4.99 lb
Nathan Beef Franks 2 for $6
Kroger Fish Fillets (2.5 lb) $9.99
Cabbage $0.29 lb
Russet Potatoes 10 lb bag $2.99
Holiday sales {Easter}!
Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs 9.9 – 12.6 oz. 2 for $6
Whoppers Robin Eggs 10- 14 oz 2 for $4
Easter Decor 20% off
Easter Plush 20% off
Haier White Chest Freezer
{Can get a $10 rebate-see store for details}
Great way to store your meats and vegetables!
I shop at ShopRite
i love farm fresh for super doubles but mainly shop at food lion and spend abour $40 a week (RC name is Vunda Vall)
Wonderful and thanks for the tip. 🙂
shop sales and buy sale items to stockpile for the whole week or month
favorite grocery store is Fry's (kroger) spend about $100 per week
I like Target, approx. $60 per week
Love using chicken, so many uses. Make homemade pita breads and freeze them for later, cut piecee of chicken and freeze so it is ready for meals
I do agree that it is a great product. 🙂
Harris Teeter about $50 a week
make a menu for each day a week or two ahead of time. The night before make sure everything is accounted for, taken out, ready etc.
I like starting at Aldi and then hitting Kroger and Meijer..I have a big family and spend 200 or so a week if I do good with coupons
My favorite store is kroger
Many of my recipes call for chopped onions. I like to chopped a bunch at once and then freeze portions in plastic bags for future use. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
My mother does this and thanks for the tip. 🙂
I shop at Stater Bros. and Super Walmart. I have a large family and usually spend around $250 a week. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
Cooking most of your meals ahead of time on off days and freezing them, so adding in veggies, etc. at last minute makes quick and easy meals on rushed weeknights.
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
My favorite store is Kroger and I usually spend between $50 – $60 per week, thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
You are welcome. 🙂