It has been a long time since the blogger of Writers Lair Books has sponsored a giveaway with Simple Savings For ATL Moms but now they are back. In her own words: “Okay, it has been soooooo long since I have posted here. There have been major changes with my family that have kept me busy. However, I’M BACK! And guess what I’m doing to celebrate my return to the couch…? I’m giving away the newest iPad. Yes, you heard me. What better way to come back than with a bang? You all know I love my Apple products!
So what do you have to do to get that? Well, it’s simple and easy to do.” Below is our Rafflecopter entry form. You MUST be 18+ to enter. In BOLD are the mandatory entries you have to complete in order to enter this giveaway. You just go down the list and do what each entry asks. YOU MUST LIKE FACEBOOK PAGES USING YOUR PERSONAL PROFILE FOR IT TO COUNT. You will click on “Directions” or “Click Here” and it will reveal a link. You must do all mandatory entries to have officially entered the giveaway. Below the mandatory entries, there are additional actions that you may do to earn extra entries (like bonuses). You can do these extra entries everyday until the giveaway is over. Who doesn’t like extra credit? There is no need to re-enter on each blog. If you enter on one blog it will register on the other blogs participating in this giveaway. The contest begins at 12:01 a.m. EST, October 27, 2012, and the contest is over 11:59 p.m. EST, November 19, 2012. So, you got it? If you have any questions, you can leave us a reply and we will follow up. So, ON YOUR MARK…GET READY…GET SET…GO!
I always wanted a iPad..good luck..
Thank you for the chance!
In my opinion the iPad is one of the coolest devices ever!
i want one of these so bad!!
This retina ipad would be great. The latest in technology, Wow my friends would be envious.