November 30, 2012 by QuidaFREE Airborne Samples! Four Free Airborne Samples Free sample: Four Free Airborne Samples How to get it: Click on the link here and fill out a short form to receive your free Airborne samples. Thanks, Quida
Celebrate the BUMP! says December 3, 2012 at 7:52 pm I love me some freebies! Thank you for letting me know about this one.
Ashley T says December 3, 2012 at 2:05 am I've never tried this but now I have the chance 🙂 Thanks!
Seyma Bennett Shabbir says December 1, 2012 at 2:43 am I have not used these before, but taking vitamin C is always a good idea esp during winter!
Terri says November 30, 2012 at 8:50 pm Thanks Q! Got it! My Son loves to use this because of the office he works in! I'm going to send him these! Funny what kids like, huh? He's actually one of the healthiest people I know! 🙂
I love me some freebies! Thank you for letting me know about this one.
You are welcome. 🙂
I've never tried this but now I have the chance 🙂 Thanks!
Thanks Ashley. 🙂
I have not used these before, but taking vitamin C is always a good idea esp during winter!
Yes it is. It can keep the colds away. 🙂
Thanks Q! Got it! My Son loves to use this because of the office he works in! I'm going to send him these! Funny what kids like, huh? He's actually one of the healthiest people I know! 🙂
Wonderful and you are welcome Terri. 🙂