February, 2013
I love to $ave Coupon Binder Edition!
I love to $ave Coupon Binder Edition!
Welcome to the February Coupon Binder Extravaganza Event. I do hope that you are ready for another wonderful event!!!! Did you get to enter the last one? If not, enter this one now. You never know if you may be the winner. Have you started to save with using coupons? What is your #1 Savings tip that you can share with others? On to the giveaway, be sure to look at all the spectacular prizes in the Rafflecopter form below that you can win! This event is designed to start or continue your $avings with the use of coupons. New prize items may be added to the event at anytime.
Easy ways to enter below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Coupon Information:
Online Coupon Classes {Learn at your own pace}
Coupon 101!{Learn about coupons}
Coupon Database! {search for coupons}
Coupon binder/Hand Clutch {Purchase a binder for $15 during this event, FREE Shipping-Scroll to the bottom)
2013 Newspaper Coupon Inserts! {Find out which coupon inserts to expect for the week}
Grocery Store Sales Cycle! {Find out when grocery stores place certain items on sale}
How to read a Food label! {Learn the basics on how to read a food label}
Store Ad Schedule! {Find out when grocery stores place their ads}
Coupon Lingo! {Find out what OOP means}
What is a Coupon Train?*New Just added!
Can I save money without using coupons?*New Just added!
What is a Coupon Train?*New Just added!
Can I save money without using coupons?*New Just added!
$avings Tips:
CVS Shopping Trip– OOP $4.38!
CVS FREE Cereal! OOP $0.00
CVS FREE Maxi Pads! OOP $0.00
This giveaway is being given exclusively by Quida- blog owner at SSFAM! All opinions are 100% mine and I love to $ave, share my coupon knowledge along with helping others to save! There is no purchase necessary to enter. This giveaway is not associated with Facebook. I was not compensated to help share this spectacular event. All winnings items are from my own expenses.
im always sharing the local deals and coupon match ups
I'm an early riser and I let everyone know the local ad deals as soon as they post.
I always pass along good deals to others.
I share coupons with friends!
I have a groupon account and if I see something that relates to someone in my life I let them know and use my groupon to purchase it!
Sharing grocery deals.
i taught my daughter how to budget. she now knows to pay her rent and bills first and then take anything left over for some fun and savings. it's been working! i also mail her relevant coupons once a week that she has enjoyed using.
I find coupons online for my husband to use before he makes purchases.
Michelle Tucker
I sometimes guestpost on my husbands personal finance blog about tips on saving money! I also give coupons to friends when I know I won't use them!
most of my friends do not have the time to coupon seriously. i know what products they prefer and just make their lists while i'm doing my own. i've synced my chrome to their computers so they can just go in and print out what i've set up for them real quick.
i'd love to win this. i introduced my mom and sis to couponing.. my binder is beat though
Give yourself a set amount of money and spend only that money for that week.
I teach people how to use extra bucks at CVS
i give famikly members coupons i dont need
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
I help others save by showing them how to coupon and match up store deals.
I share deals and coupons with friends.
What I buy for my stockpile I give it away to my daughter, sister, cousin, 2nd cousins, etc. It saves them because they don't have to buy things.
I give my friends coupons I'm not using so I can help them out!
I send daily emails to my kids of deals and offers I find online that might interest them.
Always use coupons! The savings add up!!
Before my boyfriend grabs the first thing on the shelf, I usually try to point out the differences in label price, price per oz, etc., before he buys it.
I love sharing coupons with my sister!
I share coupons with friends and family
Whwn I find good deals, I share them with friends.
I tell people the websites and blogs I consult every day to find coupons and deals!
Coupon club
I leave coupons on the shelf for an item if I have extra or can't use them.
I buy deals and share!
I tell my friend specials that I find online.
My deep freeze helps the most.
I share coupons that I don't use with my friends and family and I let them know when there are good deals.
Tara Liebing
I share and help my sister and my mom and sister in law how to shop and save by using coupons.
i save all of my extra or unwanted coupons for my daughter-in-law for her weekly shopping! 🙂
I tell them about all the great sales and deals I find on the internet.
Take the time and use coupons!!
bargin shop, use coupons, watch for weekly ads and specials… $ave $save $ave! 🙂
I share information I learn about great sales and good deals!
I give others coupons I dont use . I let friends know when I see a bargain on a product that they use
I share coupons with my friends which is great because we all have different shopping habits so we are not fighting over the same coupons!
I email coupons to friends if I know they use a certain product. I also have rubbed off on my college student daughter and now she alway looks for a coupon code before she orders anything online.
My sister recently had a baby and I've been helping her coupon for diapers, wipes, etc.
They call me the Coupon Queen at our local stores. If I don't need a coupon that I have, I leave at that store for others to use.
i always look for coupons for my mom
Share 1 tip on how you help others save!
i like to give away coupons i do not use
I mail or give away coupons that I won't use to family
I forward coupons from the online sites (ex. Groupon) to friends and family when I think it's something they'd like.
I consumer search multiple flyers/sites for sales and lowest prices and buy items when on sale and I have printable, paper and site digital coupons to use in combination.
I swap coupons freebies and such on Refundsweepers, great site!
I clip coupons for my friends with kids. Every penny saved helps!