Purple Monster Coupons is very close to 20,000 fans over at Purple Monster Coupons, so we decided to team up with a few other blogs to provide our awesome fans a chance to win a 7-Inch Internet Tablet with Multi-Touch Screen and Android 4.2! We at Purple Monster Coupons and Simple Savings For ATL Moms appreciate all of our AMAZING fans so ENTER the Rafflecopter FORM below to enter! Open to USA/CAN 18+ ends June 6 at noon est! a Rafflecopter giveaway *DISCLAIMER- Simple Savings For ATL Moms is NOT responsible for the prize in anyway! Facebook, twitter, Pinterest, Google etc also has NOTHING to do with this giveaway in anyway! Natasha over at Purple Monster Coupons is responsible for the prize! If you want to contact her email her at Purplemonstercoupons@live.com. If you want to work with Purple Monster Coupons email Natasha at Purplemonstercoupons@live.com!
I would keep this one! thanks for the chance to win!
i would keep this for sure!
What a really nice giveaway.
If I won I would gift this to a friend
If I won I would keep it, I have never owned one before
I had to add another email on FB in order for the Rafflecopter to let me sign in through Facebook. I wrote them and nobody seemed to know what was wrong and how it could be fixed so I had to create a new email on Facebook. I still have both emails on my FB acct. but it is signing me in finally on Rafflecopter & giveaway tools but with another email address, same name. I am only doing daily entries on giveaways I have already entered so it doesn't give me extra entries in this. So sorry for the confusion and glad it is fixed finally
The first 10 entries I had to repeat to open the RC again so could you please delete those entries? Thank You