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Go here for Day#1 ~ Extreme Coupon Box!
Go here for Day#2 ~ $10 CVS Gift Card!
Go here for Day #3 ~ $100 Bi ~ Lo Gift Card!
Go here for Day #4 ~ $50 Publix Gift Card!
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I've gotten nail polish on sale there for $.99. I shop there weekly!
X-Mas gift bags and tags was the last thing I got there a while back.don't live very close to it but my brother lives down the street from them so if win would give it to him.
I don't know if this counts or not but we have gotten free antibiotics there before. I shop there several times a month
I recently got diapers there for only 3.50 a pack which was awesome!
My only Walgreens purchase was to buy a box of name-brand cereal for a dollar. That was 3 years ago. I need to do better.
I think the best ever was a small wicker dog bed which was way to small for my full grown boxer but at .50 cents was perfect for her toys. I also got a bunch of candles last year and paid tax only.
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kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
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kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
I got a sale on toilet paper and a store coupon made it even better!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Thank you.
I go to Walgreens every couple of weeks, I get makeup there with coupons and also when the products I want are on sale, getting them for very low prices.
I purchased Walzyr allergy medicine on sale, which my son uses. I shop there every couple of weeks.
Best product I purchased on sale was some ambulance play sets for $2 each.
I get so many great deals at Walgreens. I love building up my points to reach the 50.00 mark and then purchase things that we rarely get good coupons for.
Best deal I got and loved – Eucerin and Aquaphor sales, we can't live without during winter months.
I shop at Walgreens weekly.
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I saved on the 2 packs of Scott Naturals Paper towels !
Probably toilet paper.
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Difficult one since we have pirchased so many things there. We get a lot of meds for there so that may be one of the best things we have bought.