Holiday Edition
The December Holiday Coupon Binder Extravaganza is starting and I hope that you are ready!!!! Did you get to enter the last one? If not, do it now. You never know if you may be the winner. In lieu of this event, you are still able to sign up for the 30 day of FREE Online Coupon Classes that has started December 10, 2012 at Simple Savings For ATL Moms by clicking here.
Did you know that you can win all kinds of prizes during the online event? All of the classes are completely online and FREE! Here is a quick savings tip that you can learn from the online coupon courses. Did you know that you can donate expired manufacture coupons to military families?
Be sure to look at all the spectacular prizes in the Rafflecopter form below that you can win! This event is designed to start you with $avings. New prize items can be added to the event at anytime. Be sure to look for the New! Just added {along with date} added to the Rafflecopter.
Thank you for the all the awesome giveaways!
Jennifer Hedden
saves you money
it saves me money
because that saves money
There's just such a rush, knowing that I saved money!
Couponing is a lifestyle choice and I couldn't imagine living any other way. I save so much money and my cabinets are always full of food.
Because they can save you a lot of money. Thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
I love using coupons because it helps me feed my family of four and I get to try things that I never have before!
Amanda VanEtten
To make ends meet.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
To save money. I am a poor college student!!!
Buying things for my family that we couldn't afford normally.
With 3 kids we always need to save money!
SAHM of two toddlers… save money.
I love using coupons because I hate to pay full price!!!
I love coupons because I have been able to be a stay at home mom.
Because I hate paying full price for anything!!
wowknk at gmail dot com
I use coupons so that I can put my money in savings!
It saves me and my family money.
It makes me feel good not paying full price or getting the items for free.
It is one of the few ways that I can save my family money
to annoy the cashiers when I hand them a WHOLE STACK of coupons – the teenagers just roll their eyes!!!!
I love coupons because it allows me to save and use the savings towards things for my 4 kids.
They save me tons of money!!
To save money things have went up you need coupons
I love this site!
Because it's silly to pay more if you don't have to.
I like to use coupons to see how much I can get for free. Finding bargains is just what I do!
I love to save money any way I can. I have been using them for as long as I have been married, 32 years.
I love to use coupons because I am a stay at home Mom and I appreciate my husband's hard work everyday. So I make sure I try to do my part and save with coupons when I can wherever I can. Thanks for the giveaway. I love couponing.
to save money! and see how much i can save in one trip
I love to use coupon as it makes me be able to buy more groceries to feed my family_Dorothy Deakyne
I love to use coupons because I am a grandmother raising two grandchildren and on disability. This is the only way we can survive so I depend on coupons. Thanks for this awesome opportunity.
I love coupons because they save me money. I have 4 kids and money is really tight.
My family is on a tight budget, so I like feeling like I am making a difference and helping us save.
I love saving money with coupons.
I need it & it would be awesome to get something I need so much!
These items sure would help me & be fun!
I love saving money!
Love saving money especially in this economy and thank you
to save money
saves so much on food and other stuff
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I use coupons for the thrill of saving money!
I love to save money at the cashier.
I love to use coupons because we are on a tight budget and it really makes the $$ go a lot farther when I use coupons.
I love to save money and need it with a one income family!
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
because it helps me afford treats i otherwise wouldn't buy
because i love to save money!!!
Using coupons and saving money is like a challenge for me…I love taking the money I save and spending it on fun things to do with myn family
I have tried many new products because of coupons