Holiday Edition
The December Holiday Coupon Binder Extravaganza is starting and I hope that you are ready!!!! Did you get to enter the last one? If not, do it now. You never know if you may be the winner. In lieu of this event, you are still able to sign up for the 30 day of FREE Online Coupon Classes that has started December 10, 2012 at Simple Savings For ATL Moms by clicking here.
Did you know that you can win all kinds of prizes during the online event? All of the classes are completely online and FREE! Here is a quick savings tip that you can learn from the online coupon courses. Did you know that you can donate expired manufacture coupons to military families?
Be sure to look at all the spectacular prizes in the Rafflecopter form below that you can win! This event is designed to start you with $avings. New prize items can be added to the event at anytime. Be sure to look for the New! Just added {along with date} added to the Rafflecopter.
Saving money of course, but I take it as a challenge to see how much I can get for as little as possible. 🙂
I love using them because it means I can afford better (ie: more expensive) items on my budget. Like Axe. Seriously? Have you seen those prices? I would NEVER pay that for a freaking thing of body wash, but its the only kind the boyfriend will use. So I coupon. Saving money makes us both happy.
aggiesangels at yahoo dot com
I love the money they save me. 🙂
I love to score a deal
Duh it saves me money$$
Stretches my monthly dollars
I love to save money
jenhedger at hotmail dot com
I started using coupons to save money. I have a fixed income and 3 kids. Now I am totally addicted to couponing!
I love coupons because I have been able to buy so much stuff for my large family that I could otherwise not have afforded.
because saving my family money is a rush!
To save money!
Obviously saving money!
love cvs
To save money and I think it is fun and challenging. A numbers game
I love to save money!
Using coupons is a great way to save money and teach my kids how to be frugal in some things to allow you a bit extra for the other things
Because they save me money!
Coupons help me save money and also make purchases on some items that I don't always buy!
Husband is out of work, and I just love to save and show others what I have saved 🙂
the savings is amazing.
Love when I get things for free, especially on my birthday and things you need to get anyways!
keep more money in my pocket
(lisa lo)
It is a thrill when you see the total then the cashier scans the coupons then the total drops a lot of bucks!! Nice :o)
It's like getting free money and who doesn't like getting money!
I love to use coupons to save money and help my family keep in budget.
Thanks so much.
It is like a game to me to see how much I can save.
I Love savng money!
I am glad I found your site!
I love combining coupons with sales!
The obvious answer is to save money…but honestly, I enjoy making the people behind me wait longer to check out!!! MUUUAHAHAHAHAH!!!
Lol!! I feel you Carla!!!!:)
I like to save where ever I can and using cpns helps I don't have a printer to print cpns .
I don't work,coupons help me feel productive & save money!!
To save money, of course!
I love saving money with coupons!
I love to use coupons because it is amazing at how much money we save versus what we were spending before coupons!
I love that it stretches my budget and I can buy a few extra things. I love getting a bargain too.
I love that now that I use coupons, we don't seem to be living paycheck to paycheck. I am spending $300 a month less at the grocery store!
To save money that can be instead spent on my children!
I love using coupons to help save money, thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
I love using coupons so I can stretch my money farther…
Sherri L
I love to use coupons to save money for the family and get free stuff
I love using coupons because it saves me money and I can help others with the items I get.
I love using coupons because they help me save lots of $$$ on my purchases. Thanks!
I love using coupons because I can buy more and spend less.
I love to use coupons because it allows us to get more bang for our buck! I've gotten air freshners for free with coupons and I never have the money to buy them! Coupons make my life better!
I love using coupons because they allow us to stretch our budget.
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com
I like using coupons because they save money and the money that is saved can be used for many more wonderful things.
Saving money is why I use coupons
Coupons are a great way to save money and I love coming home and seeing my percent saved!
It saves me money!!
Wonderful Rochelle. 🙂