Holiday Edition
The December Holiday Coupon Binder Extravaganza is starting and I hope that you are ready!!!! Did you get to enter the last one? If not, do it now. You never know if you may be the winner. In lieu of this event, you are still able to sign up for the 30 day of FREE Online Coupon Classes that has started December 10, 2012 at Simple Savings For ATL Moms by clicking here.
Did you know that you can win all kinds of prizes during the online event? All of the classes are completely online and FREE! Here is a quick savings tip that you can learn from the online coupon courses. Did you know that you can donate expired manufacture coupons to military families?
Be sure to look at all the spectacular prizes in the Rafflecopter form below that you can win! This event is designed to start you with $avings. New prize items can be added to the event at anytime. Be sure to look for the New! Just added {along with date} added to the Rafflecopter.
I love using coupons tonsave money
I use coupons because they help me save money to buy things I wouldn't be able too. wilcarvic
all the money I save, of course
ltlbit1@hotmail dot com
I love using ouos bcause it stretches my grocery dollars.
I love the money that coupons save me.
To save money so we can invest it into something else besides shopping!
I love being able to get more for my money!
I really like the ticked off look of the cashier's who hate me using my coupons! 🙂
I love to save money.
spcale at yahoo dot com
I like to use coupons to save money and to get great deals. My husband is retired and I only work part time, so any money we can save is very helpful.
Great giveaway!!
I love to use coupons so I can buy products I wouldn't buy because they cost more than I'm willing to pay
I love to save money.
I love saving money with coupons!
Saving money.
i love coupons because i can save money. this money can then go toward my tuition. thanks!
I like to save money!
I love saving my family money. And getting more for my money.
Having 7 in my home, with a new one due in 2 weeks, couponing is required. Never understood those that don't use coupons!!
So need this!! My coupons are everywhere! I coupon from neccessity. I have 7 in my home, another due in 2 weeks. Being the youngest of 15, I grew up with my mother using coupons. I don't understand why people wouldn't want to save money!
buy more, pay less!
Lyndsey.rullman at hotmail dot com
to save money for my family of 5
I love to use coupons because of the money saved and the excitement of finding amazing bargains.
nice saving some money
I love to use coupons becaue it allows my to make my budget go a litle further
It saves me money!