What is the BOGO mumbo jumbo?
How to organize your Coupons? What is a coupon binder and where can I get one?
Coupon binder – The coupon binder method is very popular and I even sell an organizing system here at SSFAM. Go here to view this great system. Having your coupons cut and in one entire location can be very helpful when you are in the store and see a sale or clearance item and do not have to worry about going home to get the coupon and come back to the store.
* Storage bins/Clip Free method ~ These are great for storing your coupon inserts if you prefer to not clip your coupons {get your inserts, write the date on the front and then file in an accordion folder or hanging file folders and arrange by date or month}.
* Coupon Hand clutch {fits in one hand}-this is a great method to use for quick trips to the grocery store or pharmacy.
What are coupon abbreviations?
Abbreviations are special terms used with couponing and they mean different things. You may hear some of the season couponers on blogs use these terms. Go here to view abbreviations.
What is extreme couponing?
Extreme couponing involves using several coupons and there are some products that you can score absolutely FREE or receive overage {money back} after using a coupon. View the Extreme Coupon Resource page for more topics and Coupon clipping resources.
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Coupon Class in a Flash Series:
Go here for Day 1
Go here for Day 2