What is a Raincheck or Rebate?
Raincheck – Is a store voucher guarantee that once an item is
back in stock, you will be able to get the item at the same price it was when
it was in stock. {Be sure to get this
immediately at your checkout and check to see if there is an expiration} Also,
check to make sure that the product does not say limited quantities in the advertisement. If so, you may not be able to get a raincheck.
back in stock, you will be able to get the item at the same price it was when
it was in stock. {Be sure to get this
immediately at your checkout and check to see if there is an expiration} Also,
check to make sure that the product does not say limited quantities in the advertisement. If so, you may not be able to get a raincheck.
If you find that the
store refuses to give you a raincheck, be sure to contact the:
store refuses to give you a raincheck, be sure to contact the:
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, DC 20580
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, DC 20580
Main Office: (1-877-382-4357)
Rebates can be called refunds for cash or cash back on
an item after it has been purchased.
an item after it has been purchased.
{There are some rebates that can be mailed in or completed online with the company. You may have to send in a copy of your receipt to get the portion you paid but it can be worth it!}
Also, rebates can be automatically deducted at the register when purchasing the
item. Examples can include:
item. Examples can include:
*Save $4.00 now when you
purchase 2 of the same products.
purchase 2 of the same products.
*Save $2.00 at
checkout when you purchase 1 Tide Detergent.
checkout when you purchase 1 Tide Detergent.
Questions: Have you used a raincheck or rebate before? Have you ever heard of them? If not, now is the time to stop missing out on additional savings and get some other forms of well deserved savings.
Happy Couponing!!!
P.S. Are you having fun yet? I hope that you are. I am gearing up for a new wonderful series on organizing your food pantry. We all need this. It will start in February, 2013. Stay tuned for the exact dates and it is completely FREE { I can hear you say oh yeah}. There will be fantastic giveaways during this event also. Tell your friends to book mark my blog today. You don’t want to miss out.
P.P.S. I have been receiving requests to post work-at-home opportunities. Each Friday you may find a special tip on work-at-home resources or be able to view a work-at-home business or small business. Look for a blog posting on Fridays and share with your friends. Also, there will be some Fridays with great giveaways on this topic.
I have used rainchecks before, because our little local store always runs out of the good bargains! I've also used rebates, but not lately because the ones I used were on kids toys! A raincheck is always worth getting! 🙂
I've done both rain checks and rebates.
I have done both rain checks and rebates. I am excited about the pantry organization class. Mine needs help lol. Thanks again for all you do.
I have done rebates before…saved a lot of money!
This is fun 🙂 I'm excited for the pantry class!
I have done rebates before, but I don't remember ever doing a raincheck. Thanks for the information on those. And I am looking forward to the pantry organization class. Ours is a disaster area… 🙂
Lol Sherri and thanks for the comment. 🙂