Coupon Class Day #18
Yes, men do
coupon! Some really enjoy it as it helps
them save for their families. Both male
bloggers below have permitted the mentioning of their blogs.
coupon! Some really enjoy it as it helps
them save for their families. Both male
bloggers below have permitted the mentioning of their blogs.
that dude –
that dude –
is such a sweet person and he really enjoys bringing those coupon
savings deals to his audience}. Visit him at the web link above.
is such a sweet person and he really enjoys bringing those coupon
savings deals to his audience}. Visit him at the web link above.
*Joe The Coupon Guy – Northeast, OH
{Joe is
another sweet person who strives to bring coupon savings deals to his audience
through local classes}. Visit him at the web link above.
another sweet person who strives to bring coupon savings deals to his audience
through local classes}. Visit him at the web link above.
If you watch
the show Extreme Couponers, you will see other males who coupon, even male
college and high school students who coupon.
the show Extreme Couponers, you will see other males who coupon, even male
college and high school students who coupon.
Personal tip:
My son has been introduced to couponing by me so that he will be able to
further support himself and his family when he is on his own. My daughters are
slowly transitioning.
My son has been introduced to couponing by me so that he will be able to
further support himself and his family when he is on his own. My daughters are
slowly transitioning.
Question: If you have a spouse,
does he participate or help you with couponing? If not, what seems to be his
biggest challenge when it comes to couponing? If you have a son who is
old enough to coupon, how does he feel about couponing.
does he participate or help you with couponing? If not, what seems to be his
biggest challenge when it comes to couponing? If you have a son who is
old enough to coupon, how does he feel about couponing.
Happy Couponing!!!
P.S. If missed yesterday’s
topic, go
here now and be sure to comment.
topic, go
here now and be sure to comment.
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My spouse is learning and looks for deals on some of our bigger purchases or when he shops online. He loves to see how much i have been able to save with purchases especially on baby items such diapers!
I live with my dad, he loves that I coupon to save us money but he hates shopping with me lol.
I live with my partner and brother, neither of them coupon but they both love going with me and seeing the savings! I'm trying to teach my son and my daughter about coupons and they are to the point of using at least a few coupons every week.
If you have a spouse, does he participate or help you with couponing? No spouse. If not, what seems to be his biggest challenge when it comes to couponing? Most of my exes thought couponing except for fast food meals was time consuming and stupid. If you have a son who is old enough to coupon, how does he feel about couponing. No kidlets, but if I had one I'd try to make couponing a game. Like give him part of the money saved by his coupon use for spending $$$
Thank Dena and the coupon game with kids showing them how much they saved is definitely an awesome way to get them to interact. 🙂