Welcome to Day #8 of our wonderful class!
Today’s topic:
{Coupon Organization – How to organize your coupons?}
ΒThere are a number of ways to organize your coupons. Consider some of the methods below.
* Coupon
binder – The coupon binder method is very popular and I even sell an organizing system here at SSFAM. Go here to view this great system. Having your coupons cut and in one entire location can be very helpful when you are in the store and see a sale or clearance item and do not have to worry about going home to get the coupon and come back to the store. You have all of your coupons right with you and when you are planning your shopping trips, you can pull the coupons you do want to use and place them in the front area of the coupon binder for easier access. In addition, you can store other items in your coupon binder. For example, store coupon policies, scissors, calculator, pens, sticky notes, ipad, etc. A con to having a coupon binder is that sometimes it can get heavy depending on how many coupons you have in it. When I go on major shopping trips, I carry mine. You can see a picture of my red beauty below. It is filled with all kinds of coupons that I need including my business cards. It is a Case-It binder and has a very neat handle and shoulder strap.
binder – The coupon binder method is very popular and I even sell an organizing system here at SSFAM. Go here to view this great system. Having your coupons cut and in one entire location can be very helpful when you are in the store and see a sale or clearance item and do not have to worry about going home to get the coupon and come back to the store. You have all of your coupons right with you and when you are planning your shopping trips, you can pull the coupons you do want to use and place them in the front area of the coupon binder for easier access. In addition, you can store other items in your coupon binder. For example, store coupon policies, scissors, calculator, pens, sticky notes, ipad, etc. A con to having a coupon binder is that sometimes it can get heavy depending on how many coupons you have in it. When I go on major shopping trips, I carry mine. You can see a picture of my red beauty below. It is filled with all kinds of coupons that I need including my business cards. It is a Case-It binder and has a very neat handle and shoulder strap.
* Storage
bins/Clip Free method ~ These are great for storing your coupon inserts if you prefer to not clip your coupons {get your inserts, write the date on the front and then file in an
accordion folder or hanging file folders and arrange by date or month}. I use this method mostly. If you are considering a monthly filing method that I follow of monthly inserts for Red Plum, Smart Source, P&G, General Mills, Kroger Mailers, Restaurants, this may be a great method for you. A Con to this method is not having all of your coupons with you during a shopping trip but you can keep your case in the trunk of you car if you need it or just plan to have your coupons on your next shopping trip.
bins/Clip Free method ~ These are great for storing your coupon inserts if you prefer to not clip your coupons {get your inserts, write the date on the front and then file in an
accordion folder or hanging file folders and arrange by date or month}. I use this method mostly. If you are considering a monthly filing method that I follow of monthly inserts for Red Plum, Smart Source, P&G, General Mills, Kroger Mailers, Restaurants, this may be a great method for you. A Con to this method is not having all of your coupons with you during a shopping trip but you can keep your case in the trunk of you car if you need it or just plan to have your coupons on your next shopping trip.
* Coupon
Hand clutch {fits in one hand}-this is a great method to use for quick trips to the grocery store or pharmacy and you have a special time limit but want your coupons organized. It is also nice that it can fit inside your purse or you can just hold it in your hand. These are also for sale here at SSFAM.
Hand clutch {fits in one hand}-this is a great method to use for quick trips to the grocery store or pharmacy and you have a special time limit but want your coupons organized. It is also nice that it can fit inside your purse or you can just hold it in your hand. These are also for sale here at SSFAM.
Note- find
the method that works best for you. If you have one method now that is not working, consider what your needs are and maybe try something different. Whatever method you choose, make sure it is one that gives you easy access to your coupons and can help keep you organized during your shopping trips.
the method that works best for you. If you have one method now that is not working, consider what your needs are and maybe try something different. Whatever method you choose, make sure it is one that gives you easy access to your coupons and can help keep you organized during your shopping trips.
Question: What organization method for your coupons have you chosen or already utilizing?
Organization Giveaway
Here is a great giveaway to enter today. Compliments of me to help you start your organizing methods (storage bins, shelf’s, etc). The winner will be chosen in 48 hours! Good luck.
Happy Couponing,
P.S. If you have not had the chance to enter the giveaways specifically for the Coupon Class Participants be sure to go to the right side of the main page here at SSFAM and look for the giveaway section and click on the links after the words “Coupon Class Participants Giveaway.” Good luck!
Not sure how I missed this one! I use envelopes right now, held together with 2 rubberbands! LOL! BUT, it's still an improvement because I used the categories to organize them! Meat, Dairy, etc. It has made things so much easier for me at the grocery store! I'm getting more organized all the time! Thanks for all your help!
FYI – I can't get any of the pins in any of the RCs to work…the image isn't showing up π
Okay Alex. go here and choose the one to repin –>
I am so excited; I just won a coupon binder from I Heart Giveaways!! I had been using an envelope, which was very ineffective, LOL.
I don't stockpile right now; my intestines are waaaay too unpredictable right now, so just because I can eat something today doesn't mean I'll be able to eat it tomorrow or next week π Someday when I'm better, I hope I'll be able to better take advantage of deals and stockpile more than 2 items at a time :p
Also, yes I would be interested in an organization series π
Right now I have a wooden box (like a recipe card box)that I keep my coupons in, and they are divided by category. I would like to start using a coupon clutch so I could carry them with me in case I found a really good deal on something.
Sherri L
I think that is a great plan. You definitely want to find what works for you Sherri. π
I would love to take an organizational class…. I definitely need that π
Wonderful and thank you Sherri. I am working on one now. ~ Quida π
I would work on a stockpile for my pantry
Sherri L
I use the binder method for my coupons, but my stock pile is a mess LOL. I have a room cleaned out with space for my stockpile but have no idea how to organize it. I am off work after Wednesday for 2 weeks so I plan on trying to get it together. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
LOL! Kathy, it is so easy for that stockpile to get out of hand. I think you setting some time for a few minutes on your Wednesday after work would be a great way to start. I feel 10-20 minutes would show a lot of improvement from week-to-week. Consider some inexpensive labels from Michaels, Dollar Tree, Walmart, etc. to use on bins or shelves. Stay tuned for dates on the series. π ~ Quida
Right now i am using envelopes to organize my coupons, but what i would like to use is the coupon binder method.
I used an envelope in the beginning Jennifer, so I do know how you feel. I do love my binder. π
i would love an organization series here!
Thanks Jennifer for the feedback. Working on the series now! π ~ Quida
If i win, i will use the storge bins in my pantry π