Online Coupon Class ~ Day #6
Topic of the day: How can I get an organized coupon system in place? Help me
Coupon binder – The coupon binder method is very popular and I even
sell an organizing system here at SSFAM. Go here to view this great system. Having your coupons cut and
in one entire location can be very helpful when you are in the store and see a
sale or clearance item and do not have to worry about going home to get the
coupon and come back to the store. You have all of your coupons right
with you and when you are planning your shopping trips, you can pull the
coupons you do want to use and place them in the front area of the coupon
binder for easier access. In addition, you can store other items in your
coupon binder. For example, store coupon policies, scissors, calculator,
pens, sticky notes, ipad, etc. A con to having a coupon binder is that
sometimes it can get heavy depending on how many coupons you have in it. When I
go on major shopping trips, I carry mine. You can see a picture of my red
beauty below. It is filled with all kinds of coupons that I need including my
business cards. It is a Case-It binder and has a very neat handle and shoulder
sell an organizing system here at SSFAM. Go here to view this great system. Having your coupons cut and
in one entire location can be very helpful when you are in the store and see a
sale or clearance item and do not have to worry about going home to get the
coupon and come back to the store. You have all of your coupons right
with you and when you are planning your shopping trips, you can pull the
coupons you do want to use and place them in the front area of the coupon
binder for easier access. In addition, you can store other items in your
coupon binder. For example, store coupon policies, scissors, calculator,
pens, sticky notes, ipad, etc. A con to having a coupon binder is that
sometimes it can get heavy depending on how many coupons you have in it. When I
go on major shopping trips, I carry mine. You can see a picture of my red
beauty below. It is filled with all kinds of coupons that I need including my
business cards. It is a Case-It binder and has a very neat handle and shoulder
* Storage bins/Clip Free method ~
These are great for storing your coupon inserts if you prefer to not clip your
coupons {get your inserts, write the date on the front and then file in an accordion
folder or hanging file folders and arrange by date or month}. I use this method mostly. If you are
considering a monthly filing method that I follow of monthly inserts for Red
Plum, Smart Source, P&G, General Mills, Kroger Mailers, Restaurants, this
may be a great method for you. A Con to this method is not having all of
your coupons with you during a shopping trip but you can keep your case in the
trunk of your car if you need it or just plan to have your coupons on your next
shopping trip.
These are great for storing your coupon inserts if you prefer to not clip your
coupons {get your inserts, write the date on the front and then file in an accordion
folder or hanging file folders and arrange by date or month}. I use this method mostly. If you are
considering a monthly filing method that I follow of monthly inserts for Red
Plum, Smart Source, P&G, General Mills, Kroger Mailers, Restaurants, this
may be a great method for you. A Con to this method is not having all of
your coupons with you during a shopping trip but you can keep your case in the
trunk of your car if you need it or just plan to have your coupons on your next
shopping trip.
* Coupon
Hand clutch {fits in one
hand}-this is a great method to use for quick trips to the grocery store or
pharmacy and you have a special time limit but want your coupons
organized. It is also nice that it can fit inside your purse or you can
just hold it in your hand. These are also for sale here at SSFAM.
Hand clutch {fits in one
hand}-this is a great method to use for quick trips to the grocery store or
pharmacy and you have a special time limit but want your coupons
organized. It is also nice that it can fit inside your purse or you can
just hold it in your hand. These are also for sale here at SSFAM.
Note- find the method that works best for you.
If you have one method now that is not working, consider what your needs are
and maybe try something different. Whatever method you choose, make sure
it is one that gives you easy access to your coupons and can help keep you
organized during your shopping trips.
If you have one method now that is not working, consider what your needs are
and maybe try something different. Whatever method you choose, make sure
it is one that gives you easy access to your coupons and can help keep you
organized during your shopping trips.
Question: Tell me your coupon organization system. What
is the biggest challenge you face when organizing your coupons?
is the biggest challenge you face when organizing your coupons?
Happy Couponing,
P.S. If missed yesterday’s
topic, go
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topic, go
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I use the binder and small clutch (divided by stores) methods. I try to organize my coupons every sunday or Monday (im late with them this week though lol) And as I find deals I write down the deal on a index card (I have one for each store)Then I pull the coupons for the deal and put it all in my clutch filed under the store the deals at. I've found that this way if I'm near a store I can just pull out the index card with all the deals for that store and the coupons and I can do a fast trip. Its working for me now just got to find more time to file my weekly coupons lol.
I use the Binder method although mine is kinda worn out. Lol. I always take my binder with me on shopping trips in case I find an unadvertised sale or clearance item. But I take the coupons I know I will be using and put them in a separate envelope so I have quick access to them.
Great way to have your coupons and grab those savings. Thanks Kathy. 🙂
I use recycled utility bill envelopes and I need a better system.
Thanks Dena.
My biggest challenge, finding coupons when I need them quickly!
I use the binder and something similar to a clutch. My biggest issue is finding the time to get it all organized before going on a trip. I realize when i get to the store and see something on clearance that i left the coupon at home!
Thanks for the comments. It is good to set aside some time, maybe 1 hour to plan and prepare for your shopping trip. I definitely do this and I am much more organized. 🙂