The July Coupon Binder Extravaganza is starting and I hope that you are ready!!!! Did you get to enter the last one? If not, go ahead now and enter and join in on the excitement! Coupon Savings Tip: Did you know that most Sunday newspaper has coupons and in other states, the coupon values may be higher? Interesting right?
Now on to the event. If you have never used coupons before, you may want to start. It is a lot of fun being able to save and when you have a Coupon Partner to let you know about special deals including FREE items, it is that much better. Good luck with the contest! Be sure to look at all the spectacular prizes in the Rafflecopter form below that you can win! This event is designed to start you with $avings. New prize items can be added to the event at anytime.
I've been couponing for about a year and a half. One of my biggest challenges is that I live in a rural-ish area and our stores, even Walmart, doesn't always get the new products right away. I have coupons for free products in my binder I can't sure because the stores near me don't have them yet
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Not long, been a few years! I've learned woo much from you! Cause you're smart like that! 🙂
My problem has been getting coupons! No printer (not yet anyway but on the list) and usually no money for the Sunday paper. It really pays to read your Sunday previews for the coupons! But I have been finding them in store and where you told me. Made a big difference!
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–Jennifer Dysart
I have been couponing for a few years now and the biggest challenge I have faced in the past was keeping everything organized!
~Veronica Vasquez~
I have been couponing for about 5 years now. I became a SAHM and got pregnant with my second child so I did it because I needed to save money. Now I just love it. It is like a game for me. My biggest challenge is taking three kids ages 7 and under to the store!
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Thank you!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
I've been couponing for over 20 years and my biggest challenge is coordinating coupons with sales, thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
It is hard too find coupon for meats still not able too get my grocey bill down like so many it seems I will trying
oops Simba C for this comment thanks
i've been couponing for about 3 months and my biggest issue is space for my stockpile
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I've been couponing for about 8 mths. Trying to figure out how to carry my coupons to the store and organizing them.
I have been couponing for many years. But, I lost my momentum when someone stole my coupon file, with all my coupons, out of my shopping cart awhile back. Now, I haven't taken the time to really get organized and serious about it. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
Been couponing over a year, the biggest challenge has been organization and keeping up with changing policies and the cost of newspapers. My couponing has dropped off a bit because the papers cost so much 🙁
–Jennifer Dysart
I have been couponing for about 6 months. My biggest challenge is organization and, now that I have a newborn, time is a big issue as well.
Haven't been couponing for very long and keeping up with the coupons I have and making sure things don't expire before I can use them
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I have been couponing on and off for about a year. My biggest challenge is my organization. I am still trying to work out a good system.
I tweeted for the 2nd share option 🙂
I've been couponing for a year now and my biggest challenge I've found when using coupons is getting to the store and finding out that the items I've been looking for have been cleared out.
I have been couponing for about a year. My biggest challenge is figuring out a way organize my coupons.
I started couponing 5 months ago, my biggest challenge is keeping everything organize, saving and matching up deals also learning the coupon policy.
My biggest problem is organization. I'm sooo unorganized!
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I've been couponing for i don't know how long…got out of it for a bit…now back into it. the biggest thing for me is i dont have a binder…i have a box and bunch of envelopes…and my other issue seems to be alot of the stores in my area don't want to take computer printed coupons…any free coupons…they make me feel like i'm making them up myself or something. DISLIKE!!! we have a family of 7 just trying to make it people!!!
I've been couponing for about a year and my biggest problem is that I get overwhelmed with all the different ways to do it!
I've been doing it for several years now. The biggest thing for me is that my binder is always falling down when I have it open and trying to coupon. It drives crazy.
I have just started couponing, my hardest task is learning how to compare prices at stores and not necessarily use the coupon right then but to wait to use it.
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I like using coupons most of the times and when i don't get my choice of coupons then i get worried to get them online or will do some research
I have been couponing since I was little. My grandma always used coupons and would have me help. Biggest struggle is coming up with money to buy the newspaper.
For over 3 months now.. figuring what is the right way to file my coupons. 🙁
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about 5 years. its hard to keep up with what is expiring
My biggest challenge is trying to find the product once it goes on sale. In the town I live in we have many crazy coupon people who have no problem clearing shelves and they get to the stores very early in the morning on the day the sale starts so sometimes I miss out on some great savings for my family.
I have been couponing for many years, stopped when my kids were grown but now that I have grandchildren I coupon to help my kids make ends meet and to be able to donate to different people and organizations.
I have been seriously couponing for almost a year now and I think where I have the most trouble is finding great deals on fresh meats. But I have been able to find a few coupons for meat and I hope they become more common.
I have been couponing for several years and my biggest challenge is getting started back into it after stopping for a couple months.
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I have been using coupons for a few months now, MY biggest challenge is trying to find products on sale for my coupons.
I have been seriously couponing about 8 years and the hardest thing I've found was getting Walmart to accept many. Most stores, there is no problem but at our Walmart, there is always a problem somewhere