In honor of all those who have lost their battle with Cancer including my grandmother, I thought I would make this event really special for others who are in support of the cause. My grandmother used to save on her groceries by growing her own food in her garden. I learned so much from her when I was young and can still see the figs growing on the fig trees. This celebration is one you don’t want to miss out on. The gifts and coupon binder is super special!
September’s Coupon Binder Extravaganza kicked off with a bang and keep in mind that the Coupon Binder Extravaganza event will take
place once a month and there is no telling what will be included
in the giveaway. There are some really nice prizes. If you have never used coupons before, you may want to start. I will be starting online classes here on 12/1/2012! The cost is only $5 per person and completely online. Stay tuned for more details. I
have personally saved over $3000 this year alone through the use coupons and great savings on groceries, clothing and other
items including vehicle repairs and maintenance. I have used some of the saved cash to provide donations and support to others.
You would be surprised
at all of the money you could save each month on groceries if you just
spent 1 hour preparing for your grocery shopping. Sometimes, there are
great sales that you can find and with the right coupon, you can
sometimes get an item for FREE! Yes, FREE!
Now, on to the giveaway! Be sure to look at all the spectacular prizes
in the Rafflecopter form below that you can possibly win! This event is designed
to get the whole family $aving. After you enter, tell your friends and family, they may want to enter also. Oh, be sure to check the giveaway often as prizes that can be won may be added. You will see the “New! Just added! title along with the prize. If you want to purchase a coupon binder during this event, head on over to SSFAM and purchase a binder today. There are many different options to choose from. Good luck and share!!!
are 100% mine and I love $avings, Coupons and helping others to save! I
am not associated with Case- It. There is no purchase necessary to
enter. This giveaway is not associated with Facebook. Enjoy and Good luck to everyone!
I'm new to couponing and I'm hoping to learn better money managing and saving skills
A couple of aunts have had breast cancer, but they are fine now. But I remember my 4th grade teacher had breast cancer and died just before the end of school that year. She was a favorite of mine, and her death really hit me hard.
Sherri L
I have been couponing for 23+ years. I am a single mom, and I am on disability so making every dollar count is a priority
Sherri L
I'm new to trying to hardcore coupon. I'm a simple couponer now.
I need to start couponing. College student in her first apartment over here!
No one close to me has been personally affected by breast cancer
I've been couponing for about 1 year but have slacked off alot lately because I've been so busy and it's pretty time consuming!
I'm a total couponaholic! I've been couponing for about 3 years now, and I've FINALLY got my husband convinced its worth the time!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I'm new to couponing, I don't have a binder yet but I do clip a few coupons out of the paper
I have used coupons for years but not a serious "couponer". I use them more now out of necessity. My best savings are usually at CVS and Publix, around 20%-30% each trip.
mybeachylife at gmail dot com
I've been couponiing for over 6 years.
I have been couponing for 4 years now! The most I have ever saved was $500. It was a great feeling!!!
linzaleetus at gmail dot com
i have been couponing for a couple years
I hope to save some money by couponing.
i was into it for a bit..but got out of practice…would love the chance to win this and start again
I have been couponing for years but I'm very picky about what I use. Must be products I buy anyway, unless it's a high value or freebie for a product I haven't tried yet, then I might use it.
My Great Aunt Theresa battled Breast Cancer for many years and I was so sad when she passed. It was hard because no one told me she wasn't dong well and I was away at college. I still miss her to this day and am so greatfull that my boyfriend drove 6 hours to Illinois from Michigan to be there for me even though they refused to let him in at the funeral or wake.
I coupon sometimes but would love to get a stockpile.
I coupon sometimes!
I have been couponing since I was 21.
I'm completely new to couponing, so I haven't saved anything significant yet. (Hopefully soon) I hope to save money for my family and stock up on things to donate to other people.
I am new to couponing. still learning how to do double and triple coupons. – Anita
I have been couponing for about 9 years now. My husband introduced me to coupons and he said I have taken it to a whole nother leval.
I am not new to couponing, but i only do it in random spurts because i get too frustrated
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
Yes I am new. I hope to save more. Saved $20.
I have been couponing for about 20 yrs because I save a lot of money. The most I have saved at one time would be about $150.00 at Harris Teeter!
i have been using coupons for about 1 year now and it is amazing, i have so many things that i had to buy only when i ran out, but now with coupons i have a mini stock pile and wont have to run to the store for shampoo or toothpaste
3) I don't remember the exact amount but I used to shop at a store that occasionally gave triple coupons, which meant I got it for free. Then I mailed in a rebate form and made a profit!
i've been couponing for 3 years. I hope to save for our destination wedding!
I have been couponing for about 1 year and I hope to be able to stay at home with the kids so I try and save as much as I can to be able to do this
I don't know a woman who has had breast cancer. But the threat is always there. Women must help each other to fight this disease and raise money for the cure! As a group we are very powerful!
My aunt is a breast cancer survivor. We love trying new foods together, which has brought us many happy memories.
I am kinda new to couponing. I once saved 41% at Safeway after reading your posts about couponing! I can't always afford to buy the Sunday paper and we don't have a printer, so getting coupons is the hard part for me.
Thanks for all these giveaways! You rock!
I haven't couponed in many years…back then I used it to stretch my food stamp dollars. The most I saved onetime was $90 on a $170 grocery bill. I want to get back into it to help my family through the fiscal cliff we will be going over on 12/31/12.
I am not new to couponing, I do it so I can feed my family healthy food. I am also trying to save up for a new camera as well.
I have been trying to coupon for years..I get really good then I fall off…I am always looking for new ideas on how to stay on it..
I am new to couponing. I hope to accomplish major savings. I'm unemployed and need to make every penny count.
I am new to couponing!
i like couponing to save and to get freebies! 🙂 (alisa)
I am just learning how to actually match coupons for a better savings
I'm relatively new to couponing. I am in the stage where I visit a lot of blogs that show ways to maximize coupons at popular stores. I try to duplicate their suggestions, but I am not on the level to come up with these deal scenarios.
I have been couponing for about 2 years, to save money and to help friends and family that could use a little help. I'm not really sure how much my best save was. I try to buy only what I need and not buy just because I have coupons.
I have used coupons off and on for years. I have found that it is best for me to use my coupons all at once in a "coupon shopping" trip rather than try to use them at a regular shopping trip. I try and schedule just a trip for using coupons at least once a month. (Debra L. Guillen)
I am fairly new to couponing and I really hope to save my family money.
wow I've been couponing for as long as i can remember
not new, i'm cheap and gets us alost farther, this week, I saved 43% on a bill- over $50.00
I've been couponing for over a year now, the most I've saved in one trip was $75. We're saving the extra money up to buy another car. I save at least $40 a week on groceries even when I'm not "extreme" couponing, just trying to make it.
new to couponing
I have been couponing on & off for 20+ years. I've really doing it hardcore the past 2 years: being out of work and on a tight budget, coupons have allowed us to still eat well AND have items to share/donate to others in need.
I use coupons occasionally, but not every time I go to the store.