In honor of all those who have lost their battle with Cancer including my grandmother, I thought I would make this event really special for others who are in support of the cause. My grandmother used to save on her groceries by growing her own food in her garden. I learned so much from her when I was young and can still see the figs growing on the fig trees. This celebration is one you don’t want to miss out on. The gifts and coupon binder is super special!
September’s Coupon Binder Extravaganza kicked off with a bang and keep in mind that the Coupon Binder Extravaganza event will take
place once a month and there is no telling what will be included
in the giveaway. There are some really nice prizes. If you have never used coupons before, you may want to start. I will be starting online classes here on 12/1/2012! The cost is only $5 per person and completely online. Stay tuned for more details. I
have personally saved over $3000 this year alone through the use coupons and great savings on groceries, clothing and other
items including vehicle repairs and maintenance. I have used some of the saved cash to provide donations and support to others.
You would be surprised
at all of the money you could save each month on groceries if you just
spent 1 hour preparing for your grocery shopping. Sometimes, there are
great sales that you can find and with the right coupon, you can
sometimes get an item for FREE! Yes, FREE!
Now, on to the giveaway! Be sure to look at all the spectacular prizes
in the Rafflecopter form below that you can possibly win! This event is designed
to get the whole family $aving. After you enter, tell your friends and family, they may want to enter also. Oh, be sure to check the giveaway often as prizes that can be won may be added. You will see the “New! Just added! title along with the prize. If you want to purchase a coupon binder during this event, head on over to SSFAM and purchase a binder today. There are many different options to choose from. Good luck and share!!!
are 100% mine and I love $avings, Coupons and helping others to save! I
am not associated with Case- It. There is no purchase necessary to
enter. This giveaway is not associated with Facebook. Enjoy and Good luck to everyone!
i coupon occasionally, but not all the time!
I have been couponing for about 30 years now….and try to use them when they go on sale……coupons and rebating have helped us make ends meet….Thank you for this contest.
Michele Baron
I've been couponing for about a year now but still haven't shopped the savings mother load. 🙂
I started couponing earlier this year, and I enjoy saving money by using coupons and combining them with current sales to get great deals
I love your coupon binders. I really need one. I keep all my coupons in envelopes and glad ziploc bags.
brandy graham (name on rafflecopter)
I am very new to couponing. I hope to accomplish by couponing is to save tons of money. On one coupoing trip to Kroger I saved over 80 dollars. I wa a bit shocked. that is the most I have saved so far.
brandy graham (name on rafflecopter)
I am new to couponing and need help getting started.
I have always couponed. I don't do it as religiously as some, but I manage to always save money. I will not go clothes shopping without some sort of coupon or deal.
1) Tell me if you are new to couponing? If not, how long have you been couponing?
I'm new to couponing, have three little ones and am trying to save our family more money!
2) What do you hope to accomplish by couponing?
Save money =)
3) What is the most you have saved by couponing?
Not really anything noteworthy yet.
I've been couponing for many years and save a lot of money when doing my grocery shopping. Sometimes I save up to $50 to $70 dollars on 1 shopping trip.
I am looking to accomplish saving more money my couponing.
I hope to accomplish with couponing: save money!! I would really like to cut back on the hours I work, but unless i get serious about couponing and saving everywhere i can, fewer hours will not be a reality.
We're trying to start couponing to save money on groceries. My girlfriend loves the tv show
I am newish to couponing. I am really disorganized though.
I am extremely new to couponing. I have wanted to do it for a while, but can't seem to get started! My goal is to be wise with our finances and save money!
As Maureen
Couponing is the only way that my husband and I shop. Even before we married both he and I were couponers. We look at the grocery store ads and then go through the coupon box and then the online coupon sites to see how we can best take advantage of the sales with a coupon.
I have been couponing for about a year. I want to save 200 dollars and put it towards a trip. The most Ive saved is 40.00.
I have been doing coupons for years. At times I would get a couple hundred dollars worth of items for a few dollars or less!
I am not new to couponing…. and i have been doing it now for about a year or so…. altho i dont do every week… i usually go every 4 3 weeks.. so in some ways i am a newbe
No one in my family been affected by breast cancer.
I have been couponing for over 30 years
I have been couponing for as long as I can remember. My dad got me into it many years ago.
I'm fairly new to couponing and extremely interested in learning how to save my family the most money possible.
New to couponing and hoping to save money. I also want to learn how to shop the best deals.
My great aunt had breast cancer, she beat it when I was just a little girl. She died of leukemia 3 years ago. I will never forget how hard she fought to beat it the first time. When her hair grew back it was a different color and so curly. She just accepted her new look like it was something she wanted. When I was 23, I found a lump of my own. I was lucky though, my results came back benign after having the lump removed.
I am very new to couponing. My goal is to at least cut my grocery in half or to be one of those extreme couponers. The most I save is $11. lol.
I am somewhat new to couponing!
like to save money!
I use coupons and try to find coupons for whatever is on my grocery list.
I'm new to couponing – I try to remember to use them but always forget!
sweepymummy at yahoo dot com
I have been couponing for about five years. Thanks for the Giveaway !
I just started printing coupons off the internet…but its not really new to me because I remember my mom using coupons at the store growing up
nicolemb2010 at yahoo dot com
I'm very new to couponing! I'm hoping to save some money to build up a bit of a savings cushion…and maybe have a little extra for some luxuries.
I'm a long-time couponer! I've saved over $80 in one trip. I could save more, but we try to eat healthfully, which is hard when so many coupons are for junk!
i am pretty new to couponing… i have not made any huge strides
I'm an intermittent couponer. I'd like to be an extreme couponer.
Yes, I am new to couponing and need help with all the rules.
I've been couponing on and off for most of my life.
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
Both my mom and my grandma had breat cancer. And, both of them survived. However, many years ago my grandma was diagnosed with bone cancer in March. And, then my mom was diagnosed with the same form of bone cancer 3 months later. The doctors said, in both cases, that it was from breast cancer they had in the past. My grandma fought for seven long years before she lost the fight. My mom is still with us and cancer free 🙂
Yes I am new to couponing.
I've been couponing for about 5 months already and I have stocked up on shampoos, toothpaste, toothbrush, make-ups. I have saved a lot of money by using coupons.4
I've been couponing for a very long time to stretch the food budget. I usually save $5 or $10 a week. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it adds up over the years.
I have been couponing since I was old enough to use scissors. I would help my mom clip coupons and help her shop as far back as I can remember. She taught me to feed a family on as little as possible and to enjoy doing it.
I am very new to couponing!
-Melissa D
I've couponed since myearly 20's. I'm over 50 now. Never ever pay full price – for anything. I save over about a third each week – $25 – onmy groceries.
My sister. She is such a wonderful woman. Luckily, she made it through her trials. And I am so lucky to still have her. She is a daily reminder to live life for TODAY.
i hope to save money using coupons to be able to pay off my daughter's college loans
1) Ive been couponing for maybe 6 months now
2) What do you hope to accomplish by couponing? I love saving money!
3) What is the most you have saved by couponing? $78 on a $400 bill
I use coupons to save money on our grocery bill.
I think the most I've saved on grocery shopping was 50% on a $100 order.
I try to use coupons to save money