In honor of all those who have lost their battle with Cancer including my grandmother, I thought I would make this event really special for others who are in support of the cause. My grandmother used to save on her groceries by growing her own food in her garden. I learned so much from her when I was young and can still see the figs growing on the fig trees. This celebration is one you don’t want to miss out on. The gifts and coupon binder is super special!
September’s Coupon Binder Extravaganza kicked off with a bang and keep in mind that the Coupon Binder Extravaganza event will take
place once a month and there is no telling what will be included
in the giveaway. There are some really nice prizes. If you have never used coupons before, you may want to start. I will be starting online classes here on 12/1/2012! The cost is only $5 per person and completely online. Stay tuned for more details. I
have personally saved over $3000 this year alone through the use coupons and great savings on groceries, clothing and other
items including vehicle repairs and maintenance. I have used some of the saved cash to provide donations and support to others.
You would be surprised
at all of the money you could save each month on groceries if you just
spent 1 hour preparing for your grocery shopping. Sometimes, there are
great sales that you can find and with the right coupon, you can
sometimes get an item for FREE! Yes, FREE!
Now, on to the giveaway! Be sure to look at all the spectacular prizes
in the Rafflecopter form below that you can possibly win! This event is designed
to get the whole family $aving. After you enter, tell your friends and family, they may want to enter also. Oh, be sure to check the giveaway often as prizes that can be won may be added. You will see the “New! Just added! title along with the prize. If you want to purchase a coupon binder during this event, head on over to SSFAM and purchase a binder today. There are many different options to choose from. Good luck and share!!!
are 100% mine and I love $avings, Coupons and helping others to save! I
am not associated with Case- It. There is no purchase necessary to
enter. This giveaway is not associated with Facebook. Enjoy and Good luck to everyone!
My great aunt is survivor of breast cancer, she's been in remission twice.
I am fairly new…been couponing for about 2 years now. I usually save around 70% or so when I grocery shop and that's not even trying very hard lol.
1) Tell me if you are new to couponing? If not, how long have you been couponing?
I have been doing it for awhile, although not extreme type.
2) What do you hope to accomplish by couponing?
Saving money for my family.
3) What is the most you have saved by couponing?
My paternal grandmother died from breast cancer. We used to go shopping twice a month at Gayfer's. I miss her homemade sweet potato pie she made for the holidays!
I am new to couponing.
I am very new to couponing and have a lot to learn. Hope to learn quickly.
I saved 52 dollars on a 67 dollar sale and got a 10 dollar gift card back in the mail!
I've tried couponing. I do like the money I've saved but I am not patient enough to do it on a regular basis.
My grandmother had breast cancer. She was the strongest person. I remember when she told us, she was like it's no big deal they can take my whole breast. She said "having breasts doesn't make you a women". I will always remember that.
I have been couponing for alittle over a year. My goal is to save my family money and also buy items that I can donate. I love being able to help others by couponing.
I've been couponing for about a year! and I save around 25 dollars a week couponing! Which I know isn't a TON, but it's still around $100 a month, which helped us get through the period of time when my husband and I were both out of work!
I've been couponing for about two years. I like to do it to save as much money as possible, but I hate going to multiple stores to do so.
My sister is very into couponing and I am slowly getting into it as well. But, it's kind of daunting.
I don't know a lot about couponing. I have been clipping coupons for a while now but nothing extreme. I'm trying to save money on items that I normally use. I think the most I have saved at one time is $25.00
lisa lo rc form
Answer one or all three questions:
1) Tell me if you are new to couponing? If not, how long have you been couponing? (semi new) On and off to couponing.
2) What do you hope to accomplish by couponing? (save money)
3) What is the most you have saved by couponing?
(A store one time gave me money back for buying an item!)
We had a Cousin that had Breast Cancer and it was very sad for her and us, and some Breast Cancer scares. Thank you. Jerri Davis
I have been couponing for at least 10 years, I recently won a years supply of Dr Pepper coupons so I save at least $10 each time I buy soda.
I have been couponing for 26 years. Thank you. Jerri Davis
I'm new to couponing. I hope to save money and put it towards paying off a bill or two. I recently saved $17 at Kroger. Rafflecopter: happi shopr
I am really hoping to lower our expenses so we don't live paycheck to paycheck.
Just love coupons. They make me feel smart!
I have couponed for a few years and do not spend a lot of time, but I have a goal of saving 1/3 of the bill using coupons.
Wonderful Gail!
I hope to be able to not spend money for groceries! Thanks for hosting!
You are welcome Kristy! Good luck!
I have been couponing for about a year now. I have been building a great stockpile & will continue.
I'm fairly new to couponing, I do it to save money
I have been couponing on and off. My daughter-n-law is the pro! She is so good at it that they have had to build an extra storage closet. I believe that the reason that we coupon, is to save money. If I can't use the coupon, I place it where the product is and hope someone else can use it.
I am not new! I have been couponing for many years.
Thanks for the chance.
I have been couponing for about a yr.
I have had several friends and relative affected by breast cancer. Thankfully they have all beaten it!
I'm fairly new to couponing, I've been doing it a little less than a year now. I love saving money. With four teens, the budget is tight. I have gotten a few free items and lots of cheap items by reading the coupon blogs and price matches.
I have been couponing for 45 years…when my children were younger and at home I saved hundreds of dollars. Now that they are out of the house, I really dont use that many coupons
I've been couponing for a year and a half now. It's not as easy here in California as it is in other states, but I have managed to save my family a TON of money — pairing coupons with sale ads and specials, I save at least 45% each week at the grocery store.
I have been couponing ever since I got married 16 years ago.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I used to use coupons all the time to decrease our grocery bill. Due to a family crisis I haven't had time to use coupons for awhile. I'm ready to get back to couponing as I LOVE it!
very new to couponing
My Aunt had breast cancer, and had a lumpectomy…so far so good…I have a lot of fond childhood memories with her…especially eating anchovy pizza for the first AND LAST time!
I am newish to couponing.. here in Wisconsin you are only allowed to double your coupons up to 10 coupons on certain days.. I have gotten items for free or for pennies..
I am very new to couponing, and I have saved a lot of money at Shoprite the last few times I've gone…I'm hooked!
I've been couponing for quite a long time, but not seriously until recently. Being recently divorced, I hope to be able to save some money when I grocery shop.
I have been couponing for about a year – although not real seriously. I always pair up coupons with our local grocery store ads and love seeing how much I have saved when I get the receipt.
By couponing I wish to save money to help save for other household expenditures!
I have been couponing for about 15 years and have been doing it even more seriously in last couple of years.
I regularly save at least 10-15% when I go to the store.
The most I ever saved at one time was around $60 but that was because I had some nice FREE coupons.
Our local grocery store ads come out on Wednesday so on Thursday morning I grab the ads, my grocery list and my coupon stash and sit down to write up my grocery order.
I match coupons to sale items and sometimes get them free or nearly free. A few years ago I would check my register tape & whatever I saved I put that amount in a special account and ended up buying a new TV for the bedroom plus Xmas gifts that year. I consider couponing like a game that I am out to win.
fairly new couponer hope to score free products saved 2 dollars on double coupns many times
I am very new to couponing. Most I have saved at one time is around 7.00
I am fairly new to couponing. The most I have saved is around $15 on groceries.
The most saved was 58.00
1) I'm somewhat new to couponing…..about 3 months now trying to figure it out still
I have been couponing for as long as I can remember.
I am new to couponing and just trying to figure out the ins and outs of it. I hope to save money and become proficient so that I can do it along with saving some time. As a mom of three kids under 5 with one on the way, time is important along with saving money. My goal is to save enough to go back to Disney World with the family. I have used coupons in the past and have saved a few dollars up to $30 or so depending on the purchase amount. I have been experimenting with Walgreens and Register Rewards as well as a "beginner"