I set a goal each year on how much I want to save when I shop for groceries for my family. I use coupons and certain sales a lot to […]
Day 2 {November 2} ~ Couponing Basics!
Wow! Welcome to Day #2 and now we are going to discuss the wonderful basics of Couponing! What is a coupon? {A coupon is a ticket or document that […]
SmartSource Coupon Preview 11|3|13!
Check out these great coupons from Smart Source this week! We are getting 2 wonderful inserts! Insert #1 Aveeno $1/1 product excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5oz body lotion […]
Red Plum Coupon Preview 11|3|13!
Look at all the wonderful coupons available this week from RedPlum! all $2/2 detergent products (12/15) Axe $2/1 gift pack (12/1) ETS C&H $.40/1 24oz organic or 32oz washed raw […]
Ingles Grocery Store ~ Doubles Coupons up to $0.50 Everyday!
As a reminder ~ Ingles Grocery store doubles coupons up to $0.50! You Must Have the Ingles Advantageā¢ Card to double coupons. Be sure to check for locations and coupon […]
Day 1 {November 1}~ Introductions | Welcome to Simple Savings For ATL Moms!
Welcome AJC November Coupon Class! It is wonderful to meet all of you. I see that many of you have signed up for the online class. Let’s get started with […]
Free Pouch of Betty Crocker Cookies or Muffins!
Hurry and go to Kroger and download the Free Pouch of Betty Crocker Cookies or Muffins. This is a great ecoupon to download especially for a quick treat! Thank you […]
5 Ways to create a meal plan with coupons ~ Guest post!
When I get ready to sit down to decide what meals I want to prepare for my family during the week, there are a few simple steps I choose to […]
$10 Subway Gift Card!
Surprise Thursday is here! Who wants to win a $10 Subway Gift Card? Good luck everyone. a Rafflecopter giveaway
Wild Green Tip Wednesday: Backyard treats!
You would be amazed at some of the items in your backyard during this time of the year that you can use to help you with your Halloween decorations. For […]