Welcome to Surprise Thursday! I hope you have been having a great week. Enter below for your chances to win one of 2 great Coupon Boxes. This is a great win for either a new or experienced couponer. Be sure to come back to see the winner and/or claim your prize if you are the winner. All winners have 24-48 hours to contact me to claim their prize. No exceptions!
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Both are great but I would love the big pack of coupons since I am a big couponer!
Thank you Seyma. 🙂
Surprise Box of coupons and gift card because I'm not an extreme couponer
Thanks Tyler. 🙂
Commented on your post – Grocery Items on sale in February
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
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kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Both are wonderful prizes but if I were to choose, I would love the Visa Card Prize Package because I already have a hand-held coupon holder.
Great and thanks Kim. 🙂
i would like the visa one best. its really hard for me to use coupons real efficiently when shopping with 7 little ones
I would like to win the 1st one the most.
I could use a coupon holder,and my stash is running low.
Awesome and thanks Tabitha. 🙂
they both sound awesome……i'd be happy to win either of them!!! thank you for the chance
Both are fantastic, you offer the best prizes. My wife would love either one of them!
Great Tom and good luck!
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Thank you for sharing on Facebook Tammy. 🙂
They are both Great prizes but if I had to pick I would pick number two. You can never have to many coupons and I would get the gift card to use the coupons with. 🙂 Plus I already have won one of the handheld coupon holders before and I love it!
Great and thanks Tammy. 🙂
They both are great prize packages so either would be nice.
Wonderful Karen. 🙂
Both of them are great prizes but I would love to have the coupon holder!
Good luck Lauren. 🙂
I like prize 2 as I do not have any stores that double
Great and good luck Debbie!
They both sound great!
Shared: https://twitter.com/wrkrk13/status/436461977016102912
They both sound good to me!
Great and good luck Jeff!
They both sound great!!! I would be happy with either one! 🙂
Wonderful and good luck Wendy. 🙂