I have lived in Cobb County, GA for nearly 18 years and each year when it is time to transition the kids Back to School it can be a challenge. From deciding if you are sending your child to school with meals, the perfect time to get a hair cut/beauty shop visit, going to bed patterns, getting school supplies from a very long list of school recommendations, uniforms/clothing, etc. If you live in Cobb County as well or any county here in Georgia or another state, consider these 3 helpful ways to transition your kids back into the habit of going to school. They may just be of help after a very long summer break.
1 Determine the date of the when school starts ~ Here in Cobb County, GA our first day for students to return to school is set August 3rd. The buses and cars will be back onto the roads again. Be sure to check with your local county on start dates.
2 Organize all school supplies ~ Get those school supply lists early and start shopping. Many school websites have the list available online. Elementary schools have their lists in most stores especially Walmart. I have listed several Back to School supply resources from my Instagram, Facebook including Twitter where you are able to get right now from the stores. There are some exceptional deals that you can find in Staples, Office Max, Walmart, Target, etc.
3 Ready, get set, go to Back to School Inspiration
1 Help your children identify any first day jitters and fears. Allow them the chance to express how they feel. Ask open ended questions that will allow them to identify and express how “they” plan on overcoming the challenge. For example, “What are you looking forward to this year at school?” “What concerns you the most about starting school this year?” Do not be judgmental when they give their responses instead consider saying something like, “Yes, I can see where this could be a problem. How are you thinking on handling it?”
RT@SavingsATLMoms – Wednesday Tip for your child in school this year ~ Develop a “Healthy Habit” ~Can’t perform well if you don’t feel well.
— SimpleSavingsforATL (@SavingsATLMoms) July 22, 2015
2 Help your child create a sticky note with some positive words of encouragement. “I am going to do great things this year,” “I will learn something new everyday at school,” etc. They can place these in their bathroom mirror, in their room or on the refrigerator so they will see it everyday.
3 Talk with your children about some simple ways to overcome worry and how to ward off those types of feelings. Sometimes we “fear” when we do not know what to expect (False expectations appearing real). Here are two great things to consider to help with overcoming fear: develop a breathing technique to decrease stress and/or yoga principles and poses.
I now have teenagers at 3 different schools and each year, I allow them to express their feelings about starting school and allow them to express their own techniques of how they will work to overcome anxiety, stress, etc. Has it been a challenge as a devoted parent who does not want to see their children go through these feelings, well yes it has, but they have to develop the best techniques they can so they will know what to do when these issues present.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article is of the blogger and
not intended to substitute professional counselor advice.