Welcome to Surprise Thursday! One person will win a $40 Walmart Gift Card ~ Sponsored SSFAM! Tell
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How to enter: Complete the following tasks.
Question {Answer the question below}:
-> What is your one coupon tip you would share with a new Walmart Couponer?
Mia Jai says
Make sure you have your coupons together and a back up plan just in case something doesn't go to plan!
zubaida Mumin says
Walmart is a GREAT place to use your coupons because they have great prices, and price match other stores. Always have a copy of the ad with you to price match and read your coupons carefully, get the correct size that's stated on the coupon and check the expiration dates!
Tom Shewbridge says
Be nice as you educate if they do not know. Attitude can be half the battle. 🙂
Crystal Chavarria says
My tip would definitely be to have a lot of patience and understand that not always will you get an ok from the manager's even if you have followed every policy and limit size and quantity.
ATLanta Saving Moms says
Thanks Crystal for the tips.
Kim Reid says
Have your coupon policy ready, I've had issues with many different coupons especially those I have printed online.
Dobie says
Just read the coupons well & make sure you only get the right product & size indicated. if you don't they scrutinize over it. Jodi Hoppe Wresh CIAwoman66@yahoo.com
Anna Pry says
pick a young male cashier, they usually give me the least grief about using coupons, or find a cashier you like and always go to them. let the manager know if they are helpful so they will continue in the future!
James Robert says
I would let them know they accept Kroger coupons and other sales . I have had a few issues with the coupons going through at Walmart however which I normally don't have at Kroger
mijamesr82 at gmail dot com
Jen B. says
I would say if it says max print is 2, do it you will need it. And keep a look out for sales to match them to.
Jennifer Q. says
I organize my coupons before getting to the store to make sure I haven't forgotten any.
Elisabeth says
My biggest tip would be to know their coupon policy like the back of your hand so that when a cashier challenges you, you have the facts to back it up. You can study their policy here- http://corporate.walmart.com/policies
Emily Smith says
I would say to make sure you pay attention when they're scanning your coupons.
Studivant says
Have patience with their customer service. Be knowledgable, persistent, and patient!
– Loren 🙂
Elena says
Use Walmart price match policy and pay less if you find this item cheaper at other store
Mami2jcn says
Definitely make sure you read the coupons carefully and be ready to deal with any challenges from the cashier. I once had to argue over a Gorton's fish coupon at Walmart because the coupon said it was good on "any Gorton's product" but there was a picture of fish sticks on it. The cashier kept arguing that the coupon was only good for the pictured item, and I insisted she read it carefully. I finally got her to see it my way, but it was a challenge.
Cynthia Villarreal says
Know your coupons… Read small print (dont base on pic) Know the limits of q etc… That way when cashier denies q due to pic and item dont match (they dont read) you show/tell them that reading is funadamental lol. Oh and dont take it too personal, sometimes we loose even knowing we are right. Shake it off and move on to the next…
Elle says
Make sure you know the coupon policy and be prepared to show it to the cashier or possibly manager of the store since I find that sometimes they don't know it and I have to fight for a deal.
Unknown says
My main tip is to pay attention and try to not go with kids. lol I love my kids but I have no idea how many times I have gone and gotten distracted with them, only to realize my coupons were messed up. Have a game plan, write out what you're going to do, have all coupons in order, and hopefully it'll go smoothly! Do your homework and research and make sure you're using your coupons correctly (being able to use two versus four in a day).
Unknown says
Ok.. it won't let me change the unknown name? My name is Rachael. That's annoying 😒
ATLanta Saving Moms says
I see you Rachael. You are ok.
PeachyDreaming says
I would say that before you go to the store make sure that you have a game plan! Walmart is a big store with lots of items and you can easily become distracted! Stick to your list and you'll be fine!
Keisha W.
Tammy S says
My tip would be to make sure your coupons and items match, and know the store policy. I also would add to be kind to the cashier! I find that it always goes smoother when you are polite and have patience.
Carole P says
Be patient. Make sure you do not have more than 40 coupons. Have copy of store policy. And always check your favorite blog for this week's deals and coupon match ups. They do the hard work for you!
Nikki J says
Be patient with cashiers and make sure your coupons match the correct quantity/sizes of items you're getting.
Dee Reed says
Walmart gives cash back for coupon overages 🙂
Latasha Harris says
Walmart will price match with store ad! Happy couponing!!! Latasha Harris
Latasha Harris says
Walmart will price match with store ad! Happy couponing!!! Latasha Harris
Truyen Dang says
Make sure coupons are not expired
Unknown says
Keep a copy of the coupon policy on hand because not all employees know their own policy.
Cozy Sisombath says
I know know why my profile says unknown but my name is Cozy
ATLanta Saving Moms says
Thanks Cozy. 🙂