Day 1 {September 16}~Where to find savings on great products (Pizza, Gas, Retail clothing)?
I love it when I find a great sale on Pizza, Gas, and Retail clothing, etc. I thought I would take a few minutes to share how to find great sales on pizza first.
When your local grocery store has a sale on your favorite pizza, start looking for coupons on and your search my coupon database also. If you have multiple coupons, consider stacking up in your fridge. Even if it is for the smaller pizzas.
If you have a favorite Pizza restaurant, be sure to check your local newspaper for coupons. I receive an Evening Edge paper on Thursdays and in it are coupons from several pizza restaurants. Did you know that the Entertainment Book has coupons to pizza restaurants? Be sure to check them out, there prices are very reasonable. Sometimes you can score two books for the price of one {double the savings}.
When you call in to order Pizza, be sure to ask them their specials for the day. Sometimes the cashier is quick to tell you what the specials are before your order. If you can pick up your pizza instead of having the order delivered could save you on tipping. Also, check online to the their websites. You would be surprised at some of the pizza sales that Papa John’s has during special events of the year. I scored a FREE pizza during Super Bowl last year.
Make your own ~ If you grow your own vegetables, consider making your own crust and include your own toppings. You can sometimes find coupons on ready made pizza dough.
Check with your child’s school ~ Some schools will have fundraisers that include pizza savings or discounts.
Like on Facebook ~ Be sure to “like” your favorite Pizza restaurants on Facebook. This way you will stay ahead on what specials they offer.
Check Retail me not, Living social ~ Type in Pizza and there will be some coupon options in your local region. Consider stacking with gift cards for more savings.
Sign up for email ~ Get online quickly and sign up with your local pizza restaurants! Don’t forget Pizza Parlors that you love. I have received offers from Pizza hut, Domino’s and Papa Johns on additional coupon codes to save even more.
If you love organic pizza ~ Check out Amy’s Proof of Purchase program.
Does your local grocery store offer savings on their gas? If they do, take advantage of those savings. I shop mostly with Kroger and take every advantage that I can with my Kroger card at their gas station including Shell.
Check those spark plugs ~ these are usually really inexpensive and easy to replace. If you know of a mechanic, consider having them checked and if they need replacing, change them.
Consider carpooling ~ If you have a coworker that lives close by, consider carpooling a few times during the week.
Make less trips to the store ~ Choose a day of the week where you can run all of your errands in one trip. This will save you on time including gas from having to go to many places.
Don’t be store specific ~ If you see gas on sale at one local gas station for $2.50/gallon and your favorite gas station has it on sale for $3.00/gallon, go with the sale and save $0.50/gallon.
Use your card that has gas savings ~ Some credit cards offer special bonus rewards on gas when you make a purchase. Some may give anywhere from 1-3% cash back.
Buy gas on Hump Day {Wednesday} ~ Gas prices are sometimes the lowest on Wednesdays!
Don’t get caught on a Holiday ~ Purchase gas 3 days before a holiday. Gas prices are usually higher on a holiday because most people are traveling or shopping.
Retail Clothing
Sell it ~ Do you have unwanted clothing? Consider selling what you have to a consignment shop. You may not make the full purchase amount that you paid, but you will get a small fee.
Shop at the thrift stores ~ Sometimes you can find some excellent deals at Goodwill. Did you know that Target donates their unwanted items to Goodwill? Be sure to check around for your local thrift shops for deals!
Find Coupons online ~ Consider apps like Shoogar and Coupon Sherpa to find some really great online deals.
Shop the clearance section ~ Look at the tags before you purchase. Some department stores like Kohl’s and Macy’s offer coupons to use when shopping in their store or online. Don’t forget to sign up their emails and “like” their Facebook page.
Shop during the off season ~ Sometimes you can find some excellent deals on Summer clothing when the Fall starts.
Take something old and make new ~ If you are crafty with a sewing machine, consider using your skills to take something that is old and change buttons, take pants and turn into shorts, etc.
Leave it if you are not going to wear it ~ If you feel that you may not wear a certain item that is on sale, be sure to leave it on the rack.
Exchange clothing with your friends ~ Have you seen a swap of clothing between friends? If you have a pair of shoes that you haven’t worn, consider a friend who may have something you would like to swap for?
Make a list ~ If you have never done this with clothing purchases like you would if it was a grocery list.
Buy clothing that fit now ~ Don’t buy clothing that you are not able to wear currently. Sure it may look like it will fit some months down the road and you may be working on a plan to lose weight but don’t spend your money now on purchases that you don’t need.
Questions? Comments? If you have some extra tips you use when shopping for Retail Clothing, Gas or Pizza. Share with others who may find it helpful.
***Class Gift ~ {Click here to download your FREE September Coupon Class agenda to add additional notes this week}. See the preview below.
Love the tips!
Thank you for all the great tips!
You are welcome Dawn. 🙂