love stores with exceptional customer service and fantastic prices and
deals but what I will not ever tolerate is any cashier, supervisor or
manager giving me poor customer service or a very bad store experience! I
love Saving/Couponing but I have an extremely strong background in
Corporate and I don’t play with the way I will be treated by any
employee! I will contact corporate when service is bad
but also when it is great! The gift card that you see is from a bad
store experience with a supervisor who did not believe me when I said
that I will contact corporate! I will always encourage you as a customer
to contact corporate and let them know whenever you have a bad
experience but always let them know when you have a great one too! Take
their store surveys or even write. Be professional at all times but make
sure you voice your thoughts…period! I have all stores that I shop
and their corporate numbers on speed dial!
Mami2jcn says
Great score! I've only ever contacted the corporate office of a store once.