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Never heard of amazon warehouse before, so no
Thanks Tyler.
shared https://www.facebook.com/petitepilates.pixie.9/posts/218254885027364?stream_ref=10
never heard of amazon warehouse before
I have not used it yet.
Have you ever used Amazon Warehouse before? If so, what item did you buy?
never before..sorry
Tweet – https://twitter.com/kimbreid/status/423954800686792704
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Thanks for tweeting Kim.
I order from Amazon alot, but have not heard of the warehouse before! Will have to check it out!
I haven't used the Amazon Warehouse yet, but love to order from Amazon!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Shared: https://www.facebook.com/phalligan2/posts/3614958510691?stream_ref=1
Amazon Warehouse is new to me. I shop at Amazon all the time.
I have not used Amazon Warehouse.
Interesting Pam. I see a lot of people here haven't heard of that part of Amazon.
I have not purchased from the warehouse before.
no not the warehouse
shared: https://www.facebook.com/MrsRiot/posts/10153678442990262?stream_ref=10
I order from Amazon but not Amazon Warehouse…
I've never heard of Amazon warehouse before! I will have to check it out!
No I haven't used them before!
I have not! But I buy a lot of things from Amazon!
Facebook share.
I have bought from Amazon many times. But Amazon warehouse I don't think so. I will have to check it out. Thanks for the tip.
I have not heard of Amazon Warehouse and that's strange since I shop at Amazon most of the time. I already have the link up to check it out!LOL!
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
I have not used Amazon Warehouse.
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
No i haven't used it.
I've never heard of amazon warehouse.
Shared on Facebook:
I've never heard of the warehouse.
Interesting. You must check on that part of their services. You can find a lot of items there. 🙂
I have never heard of the warehouse before but it sounds like I need to check it out.
No I have not.
I have not used amanzon warehouse.
I have not used amanzon warehouse.
Yes, I bought a camera from Amazon Warehouse.
Great Abby!
GFC: smurfette
Thanks Lisa for connecting. 🙂
i have shopped at amazon a number of times, for different things
I have shopped on Amazon many times, never heard of the warehouse. I buy all my printer ink and lots more on Amazon
You should check it out Sandra. They have some really good deals!!!
Thanks for sharing Julie. 🙂