I am working on creating my very first book here at Simple Savings For ATL Moms and would love the input from a few of my wonderful fans. It is a project that I have been wanting to complete for a very long time and I feel now is the best time to do it. Be sure to complete the survey form below. Thanks in advance for your time. I will be keeping everyone up to date on my process.
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An organization book…
I completed the survey for you, but something that you are happy with, that meets your thoughts, and touches base with all your fans and followers.
Keep up the great work! ~Tom
I would like a book that contains list of stores with each store couponing policy. Examples of couponing breakdowns at the individual stores. I know it would probably be difficult because stores change their policy sometimes, but would be great.
I would like the book to explain, how to create a budget for couponing and how to coupon for things that you need. And what is the most cost efficient way of obtaining coupons. For example, I have found myself purchasing papers and the majority of the coupons I would not use.
I'd like to see a book that tells us how to access early ads and how to determine what will be a great stock up price. In this book to include easiest method to find coupons for specific items. Also to know when and where coupons can be stacked. And info on where donations (from your stockpile) can be made.
A book that has the basics and explains why couponing is so awesome. Receipts of where you saved and how much.
How to call companies and get coupons mailed to them.
Also how to organize there coupon booklet. Where to get answers for each store policy and a print out because you have the cashier gatekeepers who will deny you of your coupons because she has not been educated.
Also how to find deals with other areas and how to use the money you saved on couponing and use it to treat yourself.How you were paid to coupon. That's a nice title. "I get paid to coupon".