Day 7 {November 7} ~ SSFAM Top 5 Couponing Mistakes | Myths!
SSFAM Top 5 Myths related to using Coupons
Myth#1: Couponing takes too much
Myth #2: Healthy people can’t coupon and
find Healthy Foods?
find Healthy Foods?
Myth #3: Coupons make you spend unnecessary money.
Myth #4: I can’t find time to clip coupons.
Myth #5: It is cheaper to purchase generics.
SSFAM Top 5 Coupon Mistakes
Coupon Mistake#1: Not understanding the coupon wording.
Coupon Mistake#2: Forgetting to use coupons on a sale item.
Coupon Mistake#3: Crumbling the coupon/disfiguring the bar code.
Coupon Mistake#4: Copying coupons.
Coupon Mistake#5: Purchasing fraudulent coupons.
Questions or comments, leave below! If you have a different myth or mistake with using coupons, I want to hear it.
If you missed any of the coupon classes from this week, go here now!
I can relate to Coupon Mistake #2 – I forget to use my coupons frequently!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
love your myths!