Welcome to Surprise Thursday! I hope you have been having a great week. Enter now to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card. Be sure to come back to see the winner and/or claim your prize if you are the winner. All winners have 24-48 hours to contact me to email me at simplesavingsforatlmoms@yahoo.com to claim their prize. No exceptions!
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a Rafflecopter giveaway
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my name is John Doe.
Thanks for this and I would like to buy my mother a MP3 player so she can take her songs on the go.
I would like to buy a game for my kid brother. He worked really hard for improving his cards from A and B and Cs to all As. I am really proud of him.
Tweeted – https://twitter.com/kimbreid/status/459504146089902080
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Commented on your post – Publix 1 cent item today ~ Publix Peanut Butter!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
I would get ebooks for my kindle!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
I would likely buy toliet tissue.
There are some books I am needing about autism.
I really want Trim Healthy Mama book
I would use this towards sneakers.
Books for my daughter, She LOVES to read and Amazon has the best deals!!
commented on this post–http://www.simplesavingsforatlmoms.com/2014/04/publix-1-cent-item-today-publix-peanut.html?showComment=1398367903712#c5869654711074733251
I would buy homeschool workbooks for my kids.
Shared and tweeted!
Thanks for the giveaway!
You are welcome Tracy!
OOpps! Sorry! Meant to put it here. I'd still gift it to my Daughter! :0
I would purchase some ebooks for my kindle.
With this if I win, I would have enough for a wireless webcam, or wireless sports type camera.
I shared here:
Commented on this post.
I would love to buy some books or a DVD for myself.
I would love to but myself some books or a DVD.
Wonderful Tammy!
Instagram follower: @amyorvin
Friend on facebook : Amy Orvin
GFC Follower: Amy Orvin
Facebook share – https://www.facebook.com/amyorvin/posts/777434068943060?stream_ref=10
commented on Publix 1 cent item today ~ Publix Peanut Butter! as Amy Orvin – http://www.simplesavingsforatlmoms.com/2014/04/publix-1-cent-item-today-publix-peanut.html?showComment=1398359689466#c3633670870871828368
I'd purchase pet supplies.
I would buy this: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00383O2UU/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=1QUEST3SSANRU&coliid=I1E8Z56U5G8Y8K&psc=1
I would get DVDs for kids
I tweeted – https://twitter.com/JessamineDungo/status/459361061028655104
I'd get the Game of Thrones book. 🙂
Thanks Jessamine. 🙂
Things for the new house
Things for the new house
Shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/Danitapia88/posts/627145787362511?stream_ref=1
I'm going to save the Amazon money !
gather it up for a special occasion !
Shared on facebook and twitter the twitter link I left in the entry
Thanks for the chance! I would buy shorts for me and Aerabella because I have none and I cante buy something for me and not her!
I will purchase baking supplies.
I'd probably purchase a cookbook.
I shared on facebook https://www.facebook.com/silvia.fugate.1/posts/1434636650118159?stream_ref=10
I would purchase a book.
Shared on FB
Commented on post as Janet W.
I'd purchase Thomas trackmaster trains for my grandson's train sets.
comment at http://www.simplesavingsforatlmoms.com/2014/04/how-to-organize-bulk-items-video.html?showComment=1398331351137#c1982288364235519397
I'd gift it to my Daughter! Her only Son has surgery on the 29th! It would help her out!
share https://www.facebook.com/sandrakvanhoey/posts/10202968600511762?stream_ref=10
If I won I'd get something for my grandsons birthday, most likely a skylanders figure
Wonderful Sandra!